Chapter 12: Zoe

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Silena somehow managed to convince a taxi driver to drive them to the airport without them having to waste their already limited mortal money which they needed for emergencies. The taxi driver, who obediently sat still as the legacies got in the car, raised his eyebrows pointedly as a dripping wet Rose slamming the door very hard behind her.

Rose glowered back at him.

On their quest to find a large enough taxi car,(After tons of planning. They'd decided the only logical way to get to Los Vegas was by plane) Rose had annoyed Zoe non-stop. In the end, Zoe had 'accidentally' summoned water from the fountain they were near and dumped the water over Rose. The incident had caused the 11-year-old to become rather irritable. Silena, however, seemed to find this very pleasing. "But all is well," She'd sniggered after laughing for two miutes straight. "I mean, she was half covered in mud!"

The car engine started and they were off. Zoe, Marie and Bianca sat in the middle row while Silena, Laura and Rose were in the back Row. Zoe approved of this arrangement as she figured that Marie and Bianca would be less likely to annoy her to her death than the other three( Specifically Rose).

Zoe immediately pulled off her backpack and unzipped it. She started rummaging inside. She was sure she'd packed it, she never left anywhere without it—--

"There," Zoe pulled out a fat but small book tited Greek and Roman Mythology; By Carson Robinson.

After putting a few peppermint spray bottles back in her backpack, she opened the book to chapter 8, and started to read with a contented sigh. Sunlight fell on the pages as Zoe had gotten a window seat. Zoe loved books. Just the smell of them, the feel of them in her hands—--

"I don't feel so well," Rose said suddenly. She was clutching her stomach.

"You're probably carsick," Zoe answered, not looking up from her book. The information in this book was very important. The more she knew about Greek monsters and other things, the better.

"Yeah," Silena said, snapping her small make-up box shut. "Remember Chicago?"

Marie shuddered. "I'll never forget Chicago,"

"I still see it in my nightmares," Bianca said, shaking her head.

"What happened in Chicago?" Laura piped up. She shrunk back and went to chew on a tin can when no one answered. The five of them, especially Rose, had decided that what happened in Chicago would stay in Chicago.

"No, I'm serious. I feel—different," Rose said, and she did sound serious for once in her whole 11 years of existence.

"Wait—she does have a fever—" Silena said. Zoe finally looked up from her book. Silena had her hand on Rose's forehead.

"What? How does she have a fever?"

"Hold on, let me check," Bianca took off her seat belt. The car bell began to ring. The driver tilted his mirror to face them.

"Silena, can you take care of our friend over here?" Marie called.

"My pleasure," Silena smiled sweetly at the driver. "All is well, sir! My friend Bianca left her—--uhhh—--teddy bear in the back!"

"Teddy bear. Wow, Silena, that's really good," Rose whispered sarcastically as the driver tilted his mirror again, his eyes glazed over.

"Oh, shut up!" Silena snapped, throwing Bianca a truly fearful glance. If looks could kill, Silena would be dead by Bianca's glare.

"Here, Bi, I have this old teddy, he used to be my favorite when I was two. That was until I threw up on him—-" Rose fell silent at Bianca's murderous look.

"If you want me to heal you, Rose, you better shut up now,"

"Shutting up sounds good," Rose agreed in a tiny voice.

"Wow, you do have a high fever," Bianca said, frowning. "Gods—"

"I'm dying!" Rose whispered dramaticly, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. She did look rather pale.

'But you're still annoying,'' Bianca said, rolling her eyes. "Here, eat this," She fished something out of her jeans pocket and unwrapped it. It looked like gum. "That should help with the fever and nausea. If it doesn't, I have something else that might work—"

"Ugh, it tastes like—"

"I know, now shut up and chew," Bianca climbed back to the middle row and put on her seat belt.

"Ooh, can I have gum?" Laura asked hopefully. "I love gum! But My mother never lets me have it, she says it's bad for my chlorophyll—-"

"It tastes like dirt," Rose offered.

"I love dirt!"

"Oh, guys, we're here!" Silena zipped her backpack as the large airport came into view.

The car stopped near the parking lot as Silena hadn't told the driver to park(You had to be very specific with charmspeak)

Once they'd all gotten off, Silena exchanged a few words with the driver, and studded a single penny in his hand. The driver stared at it in awe and nodded respectfully at Silena before driving off.

Silena hurried back, looking very pleased with herself. "Poor guy thinks I've given him gold. I've told him I'm royalty, direct descendant of Elizabeth the First—--"

"He must be really thick if he believed that," Rose snorted. She looked loads better.

Silena looked highly offended.

"Well, now we just need tickets," Zoe said, putting the map away and turning to face the towering building. Cars were coming and going, people constantly getting off and on. A little girl with Minnie Mouse sunglasses and a small, pink backpack almost bumped into Zoe. She flushed, and hurried off to her mother.

"Hard to think we were that old once," Marie sighed. "Remember our first plane ride together?"

"The one in which Silena threw up?" Zoe asked with raised eyebrows.

Silena turned pink. "I was five. Besides, Rose threw up way more than me our our way back,"

"True," Bianca agreed. It was Rose's turn to look highly offended.

"I've never been on a plane," Laura said, looking around at everyone rather nervously. Zoe had known Laura her whole life, and so had the others, though they probably don't remember. Because her father and Laura's father were really close, Zoe and Laura had kept in touch. But Zoe couldn't help but wonder that there was something wrong with her old friend. "Never had to. What's it like? I've heard that—that—bad things have–have happened in airports and planes—"

"That's why we have security, Laura," Silena assured her. "You'll be fine,"

"Now, tickets," Marie said, tapping her foot on the concrete ground. They all looked at Zoe.

Zoe felt that she was slowly leading them ever since Cora left(Something she still couldn't believe) All the others always turned to her for problems and such. Zoe didn't mind, she was used to this, but she'd never been on a quest before. How could she lead one? What if she made a mistake?

"Well," Zoe said slowly. "Tickets might be hard. But I have an idea.Silena, what do you think about using your charmspeak again?"

Well, that's that! Sorry for the short chapter, I still feel a bit under the weather. Next chapter Monday! (Or tommorw, if I feel better!) Also, do u guys think I should do Laura POV? 

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