Chapter 19: Rose

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Rose hated cars. She didn't know exactly why, but she almost always got carsick in every car except her dad's(Special anti-car sick features. Ahsten got wayyyy more carsick than her)

And in their case, it was a van, not a car.

Well, that made all the difference in the world.

Yep, the brave and powerful legacies and their sidekick satyr-dryad got wound up in the very large trailer that was pulled by a van. With a very dirty pony that Laura greatly pitied.

"What do they think they're doing?" She fumed, pacing the van while the rest of us sat against the wall, exhausted. "The poor thing! And look what they've given it to eat! Ponies don't eat ham!"

Zoe groaned. "Ugh. That really drained me," She forced herself to sit up. "Now what? We found a van that's going—somewhere. How do we know where to find the beast? We could be going the wrong way!"

"Barny." Rose corrected, now rather annoyed. What would it do to them to call her Barny? It was so much easier than "The Beast" whatever that was(She was, whatever)

"Well, I for one am glad to get away from those hellhounds," Silena said, her eyes closed. She had some sort of magazine in her hands.. "But then, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have found out that we were in a—" She suddenly shrieked.

Marie jumped to her feet, with a backpack and a golden bow. Rose yelped, and dropped her miniature plane that she was tinkering with. Bianca stumbled, and fell face down. Zoe started violently, and banged her head on the Pony's cage.

The van lurched to a stop. There was silence. Then Bianca hissed, "Hide! Hide now!"

Silena quickly threw herself into the bathroom. She was followed by Marie, Laura and Zoe. Rose tried to follow, but realized that she couldn't fit in.

Rose looked around frantically. Oh great. The sound of footsteps grew louder.

"Rose! Hide!" Bianca hissed. She had it easy. She could just melt into the shadows.

Rose huffed, and slipped heroically under the tiny bed. One of the many advantages of being scrawny.

The sound of heavy footsteps entering the van pounded against the ground on which Rose was laying on. She could barely see outside. The smell of the place unpleasantly reminded her of the time when Bianca shoved her into a very dirty pond one time on a little vacation. Rose still did not understand the reason behind that cruel act.

"I heard voices. I'm tellin' you, I heard voices," A gruff voice said.

"Ah, you were probably imagining it," Another voice, slightly less gruff, said. "What's up, Dirty?" The sound of a hard thump filled the air, followed by a whine of pain from the pony. "Still bony, eh? Here, Kade, get me that sack of potatoes, will you?

The other voice grunted in response, and Rose felt a sudden surge of anger as the pony neighed in protest to the moldy potatoes. She understood Laura's indignation. No one should be treated like that, animal or person. No one.

"Let's get going, Jake,'' the deeper voice grunted. "We almost got caught last time."

"Eh," The other guy, Jake, said. Rose heard another heavy thump, followed by another outcry of pain and anger from the pony. "You're right. We don't want that again, do we?" He let out a dry laugh, and the sound of their footsteps subdued. Rose waited. She hated waiting. It was something that did not come naturally to her.

Finally, a large 'slam!' echoed through the trailer. Rose rolled out from underneath her bed, eternally grateful to get away from that smell. Another part of her felt angry. Really angry. But it was nothing compared to Laura.

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