Chapter 18: Rose

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Rose didn't understand why they had to go all the way to Lotus Hotel and Casino when she had a good enough stock of chicken nuggets. According to Zoe, they needed a place to plan and focus. According to Marie, they needed a safe place to rest. According to Silena, they needed a place with fresh clothes, comfortable beds and a decent bathroom. According to Laura, they needed a place with lots of tin cans. According to Bianca, they needed a place to get away from Rose.(How dare she!?)

So there they were, standing in front of the huge hotel's open doors, their jaws taking a nap on the floor.

It was like nothing Rose had ever seen. The place was huge. Lights blinked from every inch of the building. A large lotus sat between 'Lotus Hotel' and 'Casino' There were no cars or anything, and no people walking in or out, but that didn't matter to Rose. Inside was what looked like Amaztasticland(Rose and her sunflower, Bob, and her teddy bear, Teddy, used to visit when Rose was two. Long story. Rose had a big imagination, much to her pride) There were tons of games, like in an arcade, and even a huge water slide.
"Well, you kids look tired," The doorman, who was holding the door open for them, smiled sympathetically. "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes please," Silena piped up, smiling warmly. Her jaw, however, was the first one to rise up from the ground.

They walked inside, and Rose's mind was blown and all the pieces did not want to come back together. The view from inside was even better. There were ten times the games she originally saw, along with trampolines, slides, even an indoor pool. The place looked even better than Amaztasticland.

"Welcome to Lotus hotel and Casino!" A woman walked up to them. She wore the same sympathetic smile as the doorman. "We're so happy to have you! Oh of course, here are your LotusCash Cards," She handed each of them a bright breen card with a lotus on it. "You can use it for all the games and activities here, and of course for—-"

"Wait, when does this thing run out?" Laura asked, examining her card, as if she was wondering whether she could eat it.

Rose inched away slightly. Sure, the idea that Laura could be possessed by Barny may seem ridiculous, but still—-the girl gave her the creeps.

"What do you mean?" The woman asked, looking thoroughly confused. Then sme smiled again. "Oh, it's alright. I always enjoy a good joke! Hmm—lets see. . . Room 143 should have six rooms, I think,"

She gave them a few more things that Rose's mind couldn't register, and sent them to their room. Sure enough, it had six bedrooms, one for each of them. There were Three bathrooms, complete with a huge bathtub for bubble baths. There was a vending machine and a closet full of clothes for all of them. Rose took a long, nice bath, which felt awesome after days of wandering in the dirt and mud. She began to understand why Silena loved baths so much.

Rose came out fresh and clean, and feeling so much better. She was in another T-shirt and jeans, as her old ones(Aka the ones they'd bought from the mall just a day ago. Time passes quickly) was all ripped up. The clothes fit her smugly, which was kind of weird, but it didn't matter.

Sielna sat on the couch, painting her nails. Where she got the nail polish, Rose did not know, but she shuddered as she thought of the time Silena had convinced her to wear nail polish. That was one of the worst days of Rose's life.

Zoe was reading a book(No surprise there) and Bianca was healing a bloody gash on Marie's arm.

Rose strode forward, grinning. She plopped herself on the couch next to Silena, causing the nail polish to spill all over Silena's fingers.

"Ugh—-Rose!" Silena complained. She glared at Rose, who rolled her eyes. Silena had seriously gotten way too girly over the years. Rose found it hard to believe that she was once the girl who used to be her partner-in-crime. "Gee, I'm so sorry. That nail polish will totally decide the fate of the world!"

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