Chapter 6: Marie

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A figure stepped into the candle light, and Marie immediately recognized her. Laura Underwood, the half-dryad half-satyr.

Laura nervously looked around at all of them, twiddling frantically with her fingers.

"Laura," Cora said in a forced calm voice. "What are you doing here?"

Laura made a small noise somewhere between a whimper and a bleat. Then, noticing all eyes on her, she said timidly, "I–uh—followed–uh—you guys—you and those three—uh—here,"

"You were there the whole time?!" Cora burst out, all relief going away.

"Y-yes," Laura said, with a brave attempt for confidence.

Marie could see Cora's mind working furiously. She'd worked really hard to keep this a secret, but now. . .

"Laura," Said Cora, with another forced attempt of calmness. "I want you to go back to camp and not tell anyone what you just heard. Got it?"

Laura bit her lip, looking more and more scared by the minute. "N-no,"

"What?" Cora still managed to keep her voice calm.

"No," Laura repeated. "I–I can't, I don't want to,"

Cora was the one who now looked as if she was going to explode. "Laura! You have to! Go! Now!"
"No!" Laura took a step forward. She still looked terrified, but determined. Clearly, Cora did not expect this of Laura, because she looked astounded. "I'm coming. WIth you guys,"

There was silence. Dead silence.

"Laura—-" Silena tried nervously. "I don't think—-"

"I heard the prophecy!" Laura blurted out, pointing at Cora. "I heard you reciting it to the others. I want to come. Please?"

"But why—-But—-"

"I have to," Laura sniffed, and for the first time, Marie saw a different girl in her. A determined, constantly ignored, but always pampered by her over-affectionate parents—Laura wanted to prove herself, to put herself in the action for once.

"She should come," Marie said, and all of them looked at her in shock. Laura let out the small noise again. "Don't quests always have a satyr to guide them?"

"Marie, you don't understand," Cora insisted. "There are already too many of us. You five are powerful legacies, and I'm sure your parents were very much wanted by plenty of monsters. We can't increase our number, it's too much already,"

"You know, I think Marie might have a point," Zoe said thoughtfully, leaning on the wall and looking intently at Laura. It looked as if thinking had calmed her down. "It makes sense. With the aid of only a couple. If Laura comes, that would be two people coming with us. A couple," She turned to a very indignant Cora. "You have to agree on that,"

"Laura won't attract that much attention," Silena piped up.

"No, she won't," Rose agreed, very sarcastically. She turned to face a flustered Laura. "Nice horns. Oh, and nice hooves. Didn't draw my attention at all. Oh, you look so green! Oh wait, you are green. How did I not notice that?"

"Shut up, Rose," They all, except Marie and Laura, said together. Marie smiled. She was probably the only one who knew Rose and had not told her to shut up once. Her friends said she was too sweet, too soft. Well, what was wrong with being nice?

"Here's an idea," Silena offered. "Those in favor of Laura coming on the quest, raise your hand," Marie, Silena, Zoe and Rose (After a dramatic sigh) raised their hands.
"Those in favor of the alternate option?" Silena continued, putting her hand down.

Cora raised her hand, looking very angry.

Bianca, whom Marie suddenly noticed as she was almost invisible in the shadows, shrugged indifferently.

"You have to vote," Silena said in a sing-song voice which just happened to be the kind that annoyed Bianca for the last 12 years.

"Yeah, Bi, you have to vote," Rose repeated, in a very bad imitation of Silena's voice which just happened to be the kind that annoyed all of them for the last 12 years.

"I don't really care," Bianca said with gritted teeth.


"Fine! I vote for the first option,"

"Thank you very much," Silena said in a business-like voice. "I'm sorry, Cora, but you're outvoted by—"

"I know, I was there when it happened, thank you very much," Cora grumbled. "Well, since you're coming, Laura, we have to pack another backpack filled with supplies and food—-"

"I'm not a very picky eater!" Laura said earnestly. "Really! I can eat tin cans and paper plates and—other stuff," She blushed furiously.

"I—-will make sure to pack tin cans and paper plates, then," Said Cora, her eyebrows raised. "And other stuff. For the rest of you, your backpacks are there in that corner. You can add a few valuable things, but not too much. This is a quest. And don't forget weapons,"

Marie's hand gripped her own backpack, which immediately transformed into a bow. "I have my own Backpack. Do you mind, Cora?"

"No," Cora said, looking unsuprised as she nodded grimly at Marie. "I assume you all have weapons?"

"I have pipes!" Laura piped up, pulling out a set of reed pipes.

"Er, those work," Cora said, nodding. "Your father sure found them useful,"

"All I have is this knife," Silena said. She eyes katoptris, which was in her left hand, with almost fear.

"Knives are very useful," Cora told her.

Bianca pulled out a stygian iron sword and twisted it in her hands, with an unnerving smile. Rose pulled out a very large hammer from her tool belt, which Marie guessed had to be magical, and grinned up at Cora.

Zoe was left with everyone looking at her. "I uh—-don't have a weapon," Zoe said in a rather small voice.

"That's all right, I always carry two with me, just in case," Cora walked over to her and handed her a knife, rather like Silena's but less attractive.

Zoe gripped the wooden handle with awe and stared at the celestial bronze blade. She looked as if she was in heaven.

"Well, I'll get that backpack ready for Laura, then we'll be going," Cora told them as she pulled out a long, thin sword from her belt. "We've wasted enough time already—-"

Silena suddenly screamed very loudly. The sound echoed across the cave as everyone gripped their weapons.

"Silena! What—-" Zoe asked in a hushed voice, but before she could continue, the legacy of Jupitor, who was staring into her knife, pointed a petrified hand at the entrance of the cave.

Well, that's the next chapter. I know it's kinda short, but I didn't have time. The next chapter will be out very soon! (Like today, If I have more time)

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