Chapter 24: Silena

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Hey guys! I just wanna say that this chapter didn't turn out really well but it's a turning point in the book so hope you like it!


Silena had broken bones before. Once, she fell off the roof in an attempt to fly(And failed miserably, obviously) and another time she swung off a swing at its height(Again, in an attempt to fly) After those incidents, SIlena learned not to attempt to fly.

Her wrist hurt. Bad. Curse the big fat giant. Silena still had no idea how it had happened. Crusty had moved faster than she'd expected—really fast.

In other words, Zoe saved her.

Only problem was, Zoe grabbed her bad wrist while dragging her away from her death.

"Owww!" Silena cried, pulling her wrist out of Zoe's grip the moment they hit the wet concrete.

"Oh Gods, Silena, I'm so sorry," Zoe gasped.

"No problem," But it was definitely a problem. Silena slid down to her knees, her eyes shut super tight.

"Wow. I can't believe we survived that one," Rose said, staring at the huge pile of rubble that was once a waterbed shop. "I mean, we're just so amazing,"

"Marie. How in the world did you—?" Bianca started, but Marie shook her head. She looked almost as much in pain as Silena felt. Her face was paper-white and drenched in sweat.

"Oh my gods," A voice said suddenly. Cora had been jogging toward them. Her hair had come out of it's ponytail and she was breathing heavily like she'd just run a long way. "What happened?"

"Well, while you were off on your little detour," Rose grumbled. "We met Crusty the very friendly death-stretcher,"

They told her the whole story and Silena couldn't help but feel rather annoyed with Cora. She seemed to leave them to their problems and come back whenever they didn't need her help anymore.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there!" Cora cried. "It's just–the ghost–"

"Hold on, what ghost?" Zoe demanded. Cora sighed and told them about her 'detour' Apparently, a ghost has wanted to talk to her. The ghost had told her that they were running out of time(Um duh that was kinda obvious)and that they must hurry(Also very obvious) and that their destination was the

"Underworld?!" Silena yelped. "WHat??? No way! It's all icky down there!"

Ok, so sure she definitely visited some 'icky' places during this quest but the underworld was way too much. It would be dark, full of dead people, and the dead person would smell and it would be very, very icky.

"Seriously, Silena, what is your problem?" Rose scowled. "CAn' you stand to get yourself a little dirty!?"

"I got myself dirty enough!" Silena snapped back. "If you didn't notice, Rose!"

Rose rolled her eyes in that very annoying way. "Right. I'm so sorry. If you get dirty our lives are so doomed!"

"Guys–" Marie said nervously.

"Rose!" Silena jumped to her feet SHe could literally feel her face burning in anger. "What is up with you?"

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe we're off on a stupid quest, maybe we don't know what's going on back at home, maybe we might die any second–"

"GUYS!" Zoe yelled. "Where is Laura?!"

That effectively shut Rose up, though it didn't stop her from glaring at SIlena. Silena glared back.

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