Chapter 22: Zoe

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Zoe didn't want to admit it but she was scared. Really scared. About twenty percent of her actually wanted to run away from the quest.

In other words, the river totally saved her dignity.
The sun had almost come up when they finally found their way into a small town. The problem? There was a river separating them. A really big one. It was splashing along so fast Zoe was positive that this body of water could have no life whatsoever.

This was not really a big threat to Zoe, but the others absolutely refused to go in(Rose insisted that there were fire-breathing dragons under there, Silena said she did not want to get herself dirty again, Marie said they might be washed away by the current, Bianca said they might as well jump into a volcano and Laura turned into a tree. Truthfully, Zoe did not understand how Laura could do that. Sure she was half-dryad but she didn't seem to have a plant life source—)

Even Cora looked reculant.

They all voted for Zoe to go in and investigate the waters. Zoe did not really mind this. She figured the water would help her, maybe even heal a few of her minor wounds.

SHe was right. The moment she waded in, earth seemed to course through her body. All her cuts healed immediately. Her eyesight got clearer.

She looked back at her friends and couldn't help but smile at their terrified faces as he watched the water move along faster than lightning. The water felt like nothing to Zoe. The current did nothing to her.

"Wish me luck," She told them, and dived in.

Zoe was shocked to come across a school of silver fish. One of them stopped to check her out.

Shoo, She told it. It swam away. Zoe grinned. She loved this.

She swam with ease, looking around. She could see just as clearly and breathe just as easily underwater. She decided to swim a bit deeper, just to see what was there.

The water got darker and murkier. Zoe's vision didn't really get worse. She could somehow sense where everything was.

Until the strange light.

She was paddling over to check out a huge rock that looked strangely like a curled up dragon when suddenly, a bright green light blinded her.

She kicked back in alarm, blinking a few times at the light source.

"Hello, Zoe Jackson,"

Zoe yelped.

"I won't hurt you," The voice assured her, and Zoe made out the figure of a pretty woman. She had soft brown hair braided down her shoulder. Her image seems to flicker. HEr face looked vaguely familiar.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Zoe asked defensively, her knife ready in her hand.

The woman eyed the knife with a frown. Then she turned back to Zoe. "I am a Nereid, a sea spirit,"

Zoe gasped. "You were in my book! Chapter 27, Nereids and Naiads—--but hold on, aren't you a sea spirit? What are you doing in a river?"

"My freshwater cousins have allowed me to speak to you. I do not have much time," She smiled. "I once met your father. You look very much like him,"

Zoe raised her eyebrows. Everyone she met says that. Oh, you must be Percy Jackson's only daughter! You looked so much like him! Yeah, it gets a bit annoying. Especially when Zoe had her eyes set on being like her mom.

"I understand," Nereid said softly. "You feel like you have much to live up to? I think all your friends feel that way," Her smile was warmer than a hot summer day. "But that is not why I am here. You must listen to me," She held out her hand. Six pearls shimmered in her hand. "I do not have much time. The river is not where I belong. When the time comes, I think you will know how to use these,"

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