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The door slammed shut as he stormed out of the house. Tears streamed down his face, promising himself that it would be the last time he let himself be hurt by the man that claimed to love him. No soulmate was worth he pain he was putting him through each time he let him back into his life. His dark eyes were bloodshot from all of the tears he had cried. He could feel the bruise forming on his cheek from where the fight had gotten physical. The relationship had never been abusive before, at least not physically. There had been many arguments where they had both said things that they didn't mean, but this was the first time it had ever gone that far.

He looked at his soulmate mark, wishing that the rain that was pouring down would wash it away and that he could forget the toxic man he had just left behind. If he were honest, the mark seemed to be a large reason for why he had always let him back into his heart. The mark meant that they were supposed to have a happy ending, not something so toxic that it was tearing them apart.

"Baby, wait!" he heard his now ex-boyfriend call out as he ran to catch up. Everything in him told him to run, but his heart wouldn't let him. He stopped walking and turned to look at the other man. He hardly recognized the man in front of him, no longer looking like the man he was when they had first met. His once tan skin had become pale, his eye were glossed over and red, his blond hair was a mess and his once built body was now sickly thin. "I'm so sorry," the blond said, breathless from running, or more stumbling, to catch up.

"You're using again," it wasn't a question. It was obvious that the other man was back on drugs, his behavior told him all he needed to confirm that he had once again fallen off the wagon. "You promised that you wouldn't use again," his voice was just above a whisper. "You promised," he repeated as the tears continued to fall, blending with the rain that was pouring down on them. It was only fitting that the storm would be pouring down to match what he was feeling inside.

"It was one time," the blond pled as he reached to cup the other man's cheek where the bruise was forming. "I had one slip up, this will never happen again," he promised, moving the dark hair out of the other man's eyes.

The dark haired man stepped away, "I've heard that too many times and this time you've gone too far." This time he was done. He knew that he'd said that in the past only to give in to the other man's apologies soon after, but this time he meant it. The blond always knew all the right things to say to make him fall back into the trap that was their relationship. It felt like an endless cycle. "We're done, It's over for good this time," he had no idea how true those words were at the time, just not for the reasons he would have thought.

It probably wasn't his best idea to drive in his emotional state, especially in the rain, but he ended to get away. Between the tears and the rain falling down his eyes were somewhat obscured as he continued to drive. It was late at night and hardly anyone was on the road. Had he been in the right state of mind he might have noticed the other car running a red light at full speed. Before he knew what was happening the vehicle had slammed into the driver's side of the car, causing it to roll.

That was the moment Sasuke always woke up. His dark locks were clinging to his face as he woke up in a sweat, breathing heavily as his heart raced. He threw off the covers as he sat up, trying to process what he had just dreamed. It was always the same point of that particular nightmare where he woke up. He assumed it was the point where he had died in his past life. He fell back onto the mattress, lying down as he stared up at the ceiling. That nightmare had been the final confirmation he needed to know that he never wanted to meet his soulmate.

It was said that if you and your soulmate didn't have a happy ending in your past life then you would dream about it in your next life. The dreams were random, never in sequential order. Some dreams would show times when you were happy, while others would show you where things went wrong. Those dreams were allegedly to allow you to avoid making the same mistakes by learning from your past life. Sasuke thought they were a warning to stay as far away as possible.

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