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Sasuke woke up with a new sense of happiness that he had never felt before. His and Naruto's bond seemed to be practically buzzing with joy as he rolled over and laid his head on the blonde's bare chest. They were both only in their boxers from the night before, not bothering with actual pajamas since it was just the two of them. Just as he was about to fall back asleep his eyes snapped open in surprise. He realized he hadn't dreamed that night.

It was the last day before Naruto would go back on tour after spending a blissful week together. Sasuke's realization that he loved the other man hadn't been during anything that would usually be considered romantic. They were eating dinner and had been talking about what they wanted to do the last day. All Sasuke had been able to do was smile and agree as he watched the blond animatedly make suggestions. That was when he realized just how much he was willing to do for the other man. How much he was ready to give up.

Love was about making sacrifices and supporting each other. Taking a week off of work just made him think even more about how much happier he was when he wasn't around his father and brother. How much happier he was when he was with Naruto instead. The blond had a career and fans that he loved. He'd never ask the other man to give that up just so they could see each other more. Yet, he wanted to see him more. To be with him whenever he left. Sasuke had made his choice and his father wasn't going to be happy.

He felt a little like a creep just watching Naruto sleep, but he couldn't wake him up when he seemed so peaceful. He brushed a strand of hair out of the other man's face, causing him to wake up a little. "What are you doing up so early?" the blond asked, still groggy. Sasuke didn't answer, he just smiled a little as he waited for the blond to realize what had happened, or more so what hadn't happened. Naruto's eyes widened as he looked down at the man laying his head on his chest, "You." He didn't finish the sentence, too stunned.

"I?" Sasuke teased, smirking a little. He loved the other man, but that wasn't going to stop him from teasing him a little.

"You love me. I know I'm not crazy, I've never forgotten a dream," Naruto grabbed Sasuke, pulling him to make it so they were eye level, chests pressed against each other.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," knowing the smirk on his face was a clear sign that he was lying.

"You're a horrible liar," Naruto grinned as he wrapped his arms around the other man, pulling him so he was laying on top of him.

Sasuke kissed him softly, "Maybe that's because I love you."

"I love you, too," The blond pulled him back into a kiss. It was sweet, not meant to lead to anything. "I realized it earlier this week, but I think I loved you for longer than that," he admitted. "I was just waiting for you to be on the same page, I didn't want to pressure you to feel the same way."

There was a moment of peaceful silence as they just basked in the feeling. "I'm going to leave the company," Sasuke broke the silence, surprising the blond. "I'm not happy there and even if my father cuts me off I can figure something out," he told him softly. "I want to be with you."

"I won't re-sign if he cuts you off," he said with such conviction that Sasuke had no doubt. "I've already had companies contact me, trying to persuade me to go to them when my contract is up," he admitted. Sasuke hadn't realized that other companies had approached the other man. "I hadn't even considered not re-signing, but if he does that to you then I won't hesitate to leave," he held him tightly.

"Really?" Sasuke asked, his voice just above a whisper. He was hoping that Naruto would say that, but he didn't want to ask him to do it.

Naruto nodded, "I joined this company because I was told it was a good one. Anyone who disowns their son because of something like not wanting to be part of a company is a horrible person and I wouldn't want to work for them."

Sing Through Your Memory (NaruSasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now