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Sasuke stood in front of the large tour bus, watching Naruto and his band load their things. It was a gloomy day, which matched the way he felt knowing that the man would be going on tour. They hadn't been together that long, but it still saddened him to see the other man go. He tried to be excited for him since it was their first real tour, but it was hard. "I'll miss you," he told the blond, trying not to come off as clingy, but wanting the man to know his feelings. He played with the strings on his hoodie to try to distract himself.

"Don't look so sad, I'll be back before you know it," Naruto told him cheerfully. "You know, we should probably have some goodbye sex before I go," he said suggestively. "Give us each something to think about while I'm away," he winked.

Sasuke had a sense of insecurity about what would happen if he said no. Would Naruto forget about him while he was gone? So he just nodded in agreement. "Wouldn't want you to forget about me," he tried to sound like he was joking, but he really was worried about it happening. He knew they were soulmates, but he was still worried that Naruto would find someone better while away. He looked down at his mark and thought he had to just trust the bond.

"That's my baby," Naruto grinned before continuing to pack things away in the bus.

Naruto's bandmate smirked as he walked over to Sasuke, "You know he'll forget about you while he's away, right? You may be his soulmate, but he's not going to change for you. You're convenient now, but you won't be while we're on tour." Sasuke didn't say anything in return, feeling anxious as he watched the other man walk away. He had felt how much Naruto used to sleep around before him, but he wanted to believe that the blond would change his ways for him.

Sasuke woke up, his mind racing what felt like a million miles an hour. He knew that his Naruto was completely different from the one in his dreams. Naruto had sex once before they met, just like him, and he'd shown no signs of being interested in anyone else. It scared him because he knew that he was falling for the blond. He had thought about talking to the blond about being more intimate before he left, but that dream made him second guess that decision.

He raised his arm to look at his mark. It stood out to him amongst the multitude of tattoos. He had seen the multiple posts from Naruto's fan that circled his mark or had an arrow to it posted on social media after his tweet went viral, taking over many of the top trending spots. The month had passed so fast since Naruto released his album and it was already the day before Naruto was set to leave on tour.

He sighed as he got up. It was a Sunday, meaning he had a free day and he planned to spend it with Naruto. The plan was to stay in and just hang out, maybe watch some movies while they cuddled on Naruto's couch. He planned to stay over at Naruto's place and drive him to the airport the next morning. The question was what they would do that night. A big part of him wanted to take it further and almost had on multiple occasions recently. They had done other things, just not sex. At that point he wasn't really sure what was holding them back anymore.

He had gotten ready for the day, dressing comfortably since he knew they would just stay in. He threw some things in a bag to take with him, wondering how mad it'd make his father if he opted not to bring a suit and wore some jeans and a t-shirt to work instead. It'd certainly be easier than having to take a suit bag with him. He sighed as he thought about his options before pulling out a suit, knowing it wasn't worth the argument. Plus, Naruto seemed to like how he looked in a suit.

Once he was ready, he sat on the couch and watched TV while he waited for Naruto to text him. The blond always slept in, but he hoped that he wouldn't sleep in too late that day since he wouldn't see him a while after that.

Sasuke's thoughts were interrupted by Suigetsu teasing him, "You're up early. That eager to see your boyfriend?" The man was still in his pajamas, hair a mess, despite having to leave soon for a photo shoot. He was photographing a wedding for one of his mother's close friends. He wasn't particularly close with his mother, but he couldn't exactly say no when she asked him to do it and he'd be getting paid.

Sing Through Your Memory (NaruSasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now