This Love

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"Why do you always do this?" Sasuke was on the verge of tears. Naruto flinched a little when Sasuke moved away from his touch. "Is this just a game to you? See how many times you can hurt me before I leave?"

Naruto shook his head, they both knew that Sasuke wouldn't leave. He was angry, but he wouldn't walk away. No matter what the blond did, the other man always stayed. "I'm sorry, baby," he pulled him close. "You know I never meant to hurt you. That's not me," he told him softly.

"I don't think I even know you," Sasuke started crying. "I can't get you out of my mind. I don't know what's worse, loving you or losing you," he admitted.

Naruto frowned, knowing he could never be the man that Sasuke wanted him to be. "I don't know who I am either when I'm in that state of mind. That's not the real me. You know I love you," he placed his hands on the other man's face, making him look at him before kissing each of his cheeks, as if it would make the tears stop. "I hate to see you cry."

"Then why are you always the one making me cry?" Sasuke asked, just voice shaky and just above a whisper.

"Just give me another chance," Naruto begged, knowing he'd probably received far too many chances already. He felt a sense of relief when Sasuke nodded and wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist. The blond moved his arms so he was holding the dark haired man in return. "I'm sorry."

"You always are," Sasuke whispered. Naruto was sure that the other man didn't mean for him to actually hear those words. "I love you," he said a little louder as he pressed his face against Naruto's chest.

Naruto wished he could truthfully say that he'd change, but he knew this wouldn't be the last time that Sasuke cried because of him. He'd go on tour and everything would fall apart again, just for them to pick up the pieces when he returned. It was hard to be away and not know if Sasuke would truly be there when he came back. He had no assurance that the man wouldn't eventually listen to his friends and leave.

He knew what Sasuke's friends and family said about him. His family wasn't even happy that his soulmate was a man, let a lone a drug addicted rockstar. He worried that one day Sauke would be like his past self and never want to see him again. He was worried that Sasuke would choose to mend his relationship with his family rather than trying to fix their relationship again. That Sasuke would eventually reject him and he'd be the one left with a broken heart. Sometimes it felt like he was trying to make that happen just so he could prove he was right to feel this way.

"Let's go to bed, it's been a long day," Sasuke pulled away, grabbing Naruto's hand to lead him towards the bedroom. Naruto wanted to be a better man for Sasuke, he just seemed to keep messing up. He didn't say anything, knowing that nothing he could say would make things better. Instead, he followed the other man into the room, going through the same cycle they'd been through before.

Naruto woke up with a frown. He didn't understand why he'd had that dream when he'd seemed to be only having good ones since the night he'd gone on his date with Sasuke a little over a week ago. It wasn't like anything bad had happened between them. Everything had been good, they'd even gone on a few more dates and he thought they were making progress.

He got out of bed, needing to clear his head. When he walked out of his room he found Sakura packing her things to go work on a photo shoot. She had been getting more jobs lately for bigger artists in the company. He wondered if it was because Sasuke knew that she was his friend or if people were asking for her. He didn't doubt her talent as a stylist, but it did seem to coincide with his growing relationship with Sasuke.

"You okay?" she asked, seeming to sense that something was wrong. He wasn't being his usual happy self that she'd seen ever since Sasuke had given him a chance. He had seemed happy and always seemed to be talking about Sasuke. It was odd for him to be so quiet. "What's wrong?"

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