Good Enough

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Sasuke could tell something was wrong the minute he saw Naruto walk through the door. With what he had felt so many nights that Naruto had been gone on tour, there were already so many things they needed to talk about and the look in the blonde's eyes only told him there was more. It should be a happy moment when his boyfriend had walked through the door, being reunited after months apart while the other man was on tour. Instead, Sasuke was angry, not only from the severe pain he'd felt so many nights while the blond was away, but also because of the far away look in the other man's detached demeanor. He'd seen the far away look in the other man's eyes far too many times before and it always was the same reason. There was son doubt in Sasuke's mind that the man was high on something, the question was what he was on this time. "What is it this time?" he asked cold, not sure if he wanted to yell or cry. He had already known that the other man had been cheating the entire time he was away, he could feel it every time it happened, so it made sense that he was using again too.

"Well, hello to you, too," Naruto scoffed in response. "I haven't even put my bags down an you're already at my throat." He looked like a mess. His hair looked like it hadn't been washed in days, his shirt was buttoned wrong and his jeans weren't buttoned at all. Sasuke could smell the stench of the alcohol and smoke left over from whatever bar he had gone out to the night before and could see a dark hickey left over form one of his hook-ups.

"You come home like this," Sasuke gestured to Naruto's appearance, "and expect what? A welcome home and a kiss when you were with someone else and are clearly on something?" Sasuke was disgusted at the idea of even touching him at that moment. He had made sure to make himself look nice for Naruto's return. Even if he were mad at him, he still wanted to look good. He didn't know why he cared when it was clear that the blond didn't care at all, or at least that was how it felt.

"Don't be like that, you know those people mean nothing to me," Naruto argued as he set his bags on the ground next to the door. It wasn't the first time they'd had this same conversation. If fact, seemed like it was always the same routine when Naruto returned. The blond would go on tour and everything would be fine for the first few days, but inevitably the man would fall off the wagon. He'd start using again and it wouldn't take long before he ended up in bed with other people throughout the tour. They'd talk over the phone and Sasuke would cry while Naruto knew all of the right things to say to make him stay.

Each time he was home everything would be fine so Sasuke believed he could change, but once he was back on the road the cycle would begin again. Sasuke had lost count of the number of times he'd threatened to leave the other man only to end up falling back into his arms. "It feels more like you don't give a fuck about me," Sasuke fought back the tears threatening to fall. As much as it hurt to be with him, it hurt worse to be without his soulmate. For his mental health he knew it would be better for him to walk away, but he knew the real Naruto was inside and it made it impossible for him to leave.

Naruto sighed, "Well, maybe if you'd just come on tour with me like I asked then this wouldn't happen." There had been numerous times that the man had practically begged Sasuke to just quit his job and tour with him, but Sasuke denied him every time.

"Don't you dare try to blame your cheating on me," Sasuke cried. One would think by that point he'd have no tears left to cry. It felt like he should have run dry by now, but they just kept coming. "I'm not the reason you do drugs or fuck other people. One of us has to work to pay for this shitty apartment so you have somewhere to come back to each time you leave," he let out a sob, clenching his fists. "Someone has to pay the bills and it sure as fuck isn't going to be what you make when all you do is spend that on drugs."

The blond rolled his eyes, "If Im so fucking horrible then why do you stay with me?" Their eyes locked and it took all of his strength for Sasuke not to crumble under this stare. Naruto took a step closer, causing Sasuke to back away a little towards their bedroom.

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