Into You

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"Guess what?" Naruto said excitedly as he barged his way into Sasuke's apartment. They were in a safe side of the city so Sasuke often didn't lock his door during the day when he was home, allowing the blond to come and go as he pleased. Naruto didn't give the other man time to respond, "We're going on our first major tour. No more of these little tours where we're gone for like a month." Despite having just been at a meeting with his label, the man was dress casually in jeans and an old t-shirt. His hair was a mess and sticking up every which way. Sasuke wasn't any better in his sweats and t-shirt, but he had just been home, not dealing with people that made life altering decisions for him.

The blond either couldn't tell or didn't care about the forced smile Sasuke was giving him. Sasuke wanted to be happy for him, but things were bad enough when Naruto left for short tours, he could only imagine what it was going to be like when he was gone for months at a time. "That's great," he tried to sound excited for him.

"You should come with me," Naruto grinned at the thought of Sasuke being on tour with him. He didn't notice the way Sauke frowned.

"Baby, you know I can't go on tour with you," Sasuke sighed, hating the way Naruto seemed to lose some of his excitement. "It's not that I don't want to, but I've got bills to pay, I can't just leave my job. You know I don't really have my parent's support to fall back on right now. I mean they seem to be coming around a little, but if quit, they'll probably disown me completely."

Naruto's eyes hardened, "You're just like him. Your family means more to you than I do." They both knew that he was referring to their past life. It seemed to be a reoccurring issue whenever Sasuke brought up his family, so they tried to avoid the topic.

"Naruto, if I were like him I wouldn't be with you," he reminded the blond. "I chose you, not them, but I really do need to have a job. If I don't then I won't be able to afford an apartment or food or anything that I need to survive," he hoped the other man would understand his point of view.

"Fuck that, we can make it work somehow," Naruto argued. "Why do you have to make a great day turn bad?" he huffed, walking past Sasuke to get a beer out of the refrigerator. "Can't you just be happy for me?" he opened the bottle, not even bothering to toss the cap as he took a drink.

"I am happy for you, you know I support you, I just can't go with you," Sasuke tried to remain calm, not wanting it to turn into an actual fight. "I wish I could, but I'm just being realistic as to what's best for us in the long run. Once you're a big star and we don't have to worry about money, I'll join you. Until then, I need to work," he tried to placate him, though he wasn't sure Naruto would ever be at that point if he kept going down the path he was going. All he could do was support him and try to steer him away from the destructive behavior that came with touring.

"You think I'll make it big?" Naruto asked, his insecurities showing.

"I know you will," Sasuke walked over to him, taking the beer out of his hands and setting it on the counter so he could wrap his arms around the blond. "I don't know when, but I know you will."

"I'm sorry for saying you don't believe in me," Naruto mumbled as he kissed Sasuke's neck.

Sasuke ran his hand through Naruto's messy hair, "I know you don't mean it."

Sasuke woke up, unsure how he felt about his dream. He understood why he had that particular dream. The fact that Naruto's album was dropping that day and then he'd be going on tour in less than a month worried him more than it should. He knew he just had to trust his Naruto, but that didn't mean it stopped him from dreaming about their past life and what happened to them. No matter how much he tried to separate the two, there would be that concern until it was proven that he had nothing to be worried about. Meaning, until Naruto actually left and there was no cheating, he probably wouldn't feel one hundred percent secure.

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