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"God you guys are so domesticated," Naruto's friend scoffed as he watched the two cuddle on the couch. It was only eleven in the morning but the man was already drinking. Sasuke always felt uncomfortable when the man was over, but he was Naruto's friend and bandmate so he never said anything, not wanting to cause issues. The man tried to act and look like a bad boy. He had long hair that he'd dyed bright red and wore all black and leather. He was covered with tattoos and piercings, thinking it made him seem cool. Sasuke didn't want to be one to judge, but the man was trying way too hard to keep up appearances. He always had some kind of drink or drug and Sasuke suspected he was the one that got Naruto back into drugs each time they went on tour.

The dark haired man frowned when Naruto moved away from him as a result of his friend's words. Naruto had recently moved in with him when he admitted that he had no place to go, not able to afford the place he was at with what he was making from their gigs. Sasuke had rationalized it as them being soulmates meant that they would be together forever so it made sense that they should just move in together. They had been together for over a year, he thought that was enough time together to take that next step. He didn't want to make Naruto feel like it wasn't his home by dictating who could come over. "You're just jealous," Sasuke weakly retorted, wishing it had been Naruto to say something. The blond never seemed to stick up for their relationship the way he would.

The man chuckled in response, "Yeah, so jealous." His tone was condescending as he rolled his eyes. "Come on man, let's go out tonight," he suggested to Naruto, not caring that Sasuke was sitting right there. "It's been awhile, I know this one can't possibly be satisfying you."

Sasuke's jaw dropped that the man would say that, expecting Naruto to say something. To say that Sasuke satisfied him completely, but he didn't say a word. "I satisfy him just fine," the dark haired man growled, annoyed with his boyfriend's actions.

"That's why he hooks up while he's away, right?" the man shook his head. "You know you want to go out," he turned his attention back to Naruto. The blond just shrugged in response, making Sasuke wonder if his words were true. He wondered if he couldn't satisfy Naruto and that's why he cheated on him. He knew the man didn't love him yet, but he didn't think that it was because he couldn't satisfy him.

"You go, I'm going to stay in tonight," Naruto told him, though he still made no indication that he was going to defend their relationship. The blond always tried to seem tough and acted like he didn't give a fuck when he was with his bandmates, but Sasuke didn't understand why. "We're going on tour again soon," he reminded him. It was a short tour coming up, but they all knew what happened when they went on tour and Sasuke was dreading it.

"Whatever man, if you change your mind you know where to find us," his friend said as he left, clearly annoyed that Naruto hadn't chosen to go with him.

Once he left Sasuke turned towards Naruto, upset with the man, "Why do you let him talk about me like that?"

"Baby, you know it's just guy talk," he used the same old excuse as he got up. "Don't take it so seriously," he walked into he kitchen, grabbing himself a beer. "You satisfy me," he tried to assure him, but the words didn't bring Sasuke any comfort.

"Then why don't you tell him that?" he asked, getting up to follow the other man. He grabbled the bottle out of Naruto's hand, causing the other man to huff. "It's eleven in the morning, you can drink it later," he told him, putting the beer back in the fridge.

"It's already open, it'll go bad," he argued, moving to grab the beer again.

Sasuke stood in front of the refrigerator, not letting him grab the beer, "Then get a new one later, but you're not drinking this early."

Sing Through Your Memory (NaruSasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now