Good bye

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It's been a whole year since I last updated this book. And to be honest, I'm done with it. The story sucks and I have no where to go with it. I mean I don't even remember the names of the character or what was going on!!

And I don't want you guys saying "no! This story is amazing! Please don't delete it!" I'm not gonna delete it. I'm just... Never gonna finish it. I'm sure a few of you who have read this understand, you start a book and then you have no where to go with it so you just never do anything with it. It's kinda like having the urge to draw something but not knowing what to draw so you just give up with it. You just sorta scribble on a piece of paper to stop your boredom. That's sorta what happened with this book.

When i first started it I was hella excited to write it and I had a ton of plans for it but as I kept writing the plans didn't work and I started loosing interest with it. When ever I had the urge to write I didn't know what to do so I ended up writing a whole different book entirely. Literally! Within the year of not touching this book I wrote and completed another book! I even I have sequel for it.

This book is just a distant memory for me now, something that I couldn't complete. Something that, when I think about it, I don't think about it being a book but more of a testing the waters. Seeing if I'll like writing or not. And it turns out I love writing. I remember a year before I wrote this book I was in my English class and we were in the middle of a poetry unit. We were assigned to write a poem and if we wanted we could say it to the class. The one I wrote was about a girl who was dumped, or rejected in the rain. I can't remember but it was something like that. What I do remember though is the whole class including my teacher gasped when I was finished and the class turned into a uproar about me writing a romance novel. It was kinda amazing, like straight from an anime. The teacher had to calm the class down and everything. But of course, after class when people came up to me telling me to write a romance novel I straight up told them "no!" Or "never! I hate writing!" Which at the time I did. Up till then I absolutely hated reading and writing so the idea of writing a book, a romance novel none the less made me want to throw up. But who would have guessed it a year later my friend had me read a fan fiction online on this website called wattpad. I got addicted immediately and read so much. I went from reason nothing to reading five whole books a day! My grades were even effected! I was moved into an honours English class and everything. But that's besides the point. After reading all these fanfictions I wanted to write my own. Which is where the cats charm came from. At the time I had just watched fruits basket again and I was super into it so I decided that's what I wanted to write about. Being as immature as I was the first chapter was horrible, literally! I mean go back and look at all the grammar and spelling mistakes! An I bet you 5 bucks the chapter isn't any longer than 2 pages. (Now I would shoot myself for having a chapter that's two pages long) as I started getting more into it the chapters got a bit better and my honours English class was helping me greatly. But once I started running out of ideas for the book I started having the urge to write become worse and worse. So I started a new book. I know that was a bad idea as I should have stuck around till the end but that's in the past, I can't change it now. I wrote many books after the cats charm but I hated them all so I deleted them. Only one survived (and it's the only completed one on my profile) after I wrote that book I completely stopped writing and reading fan fictions. And to be honest, I hate them now. I like the creativity that comes with teen fictions. I can make my own characters and have them act any way I want! And look any way I want! With fan fictions, when you think about it it's usually a character of the authors choice with either a television character or a celebrity. For example the cats charm. I had my main heroine, who was my own creation but then I had the characters from fruits Basket, like kyo. He has his own personality and I can't change that if I want it to be 'real'. There's no creativity with that! That's why I stopped.

You might be questioning why I'm telling you all this. Well it's because im officially never continuing the cats charm. (Which is why the chapter is called 'good bye') I'm saying good bye to book once and for all so I never have to worry about it.

All I'm asking from you guys is to not get mad or sad. Just agree with me and say "this book sucked, thank goodness the author isn't continuing." I wouldn't care if you actually said that! I would probably laugh and agree with you!

If you like my writing style or that shit but you don't like Boyxboy stories then don't fret. I have lots of books planed for the future that I'm extremely excited to write. So if you stick around long enough I'm sure you'll get a book from me that you will love!

Well for now, this is good bye.



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