Chapter 10

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¥¥¥ sorry for slow updates, the school year is almost over and I've had a lot of things to deal with. School registration, class sign up. The stress from both school and going to high school. Not to mention I'm always getting sucked into drama. Sorry if I'm boring you with myself. Anyway I've been doing a lot of crap. I've been trying to get my other story to become popular also so I've been working on that. Along with the writers block i have with this story. I don't really know where this is going anymore and I'm starting to dislike the chapters. I feel like this one is boring. Idk. But I've also been doing 'research' I've been reading advanced books and books on wattpad that get high viewer rating and seeing their writing style. You'll notice my style of writing change slightly though not much. And I'm sorry to bore you with this. I'll let you get along with the new chapter now that I've given you some information. Please enjoy and i want to say thank you, I had 7,350 reads earlier but i deleted a information page and got it knocked down to 6,900 so I'm still very grateful¥¥¥

As fall began fading into winter every thing started getting colder. I didn't leave my house as often as I used to. I still went to work of school but I didn't hang out with tohru kyo or yuki anymore. I felt I was to cold outside. I'd hangout with them the most during school to make up for it. Kyo would still walk me to and from work. I can't function very well in the cold so I try to stay out of it. But I was planing christmas with everyone. Hopefully. I shivered stepping out the door into the ice cold air. I looked around as I walked down the street. Every thing was clam and quite. And a layer of white covered every thing. My nose started getting numb so I tucked it under my scarf. I kept my hands shoved in my pockets. The silent walk to the school was almost frightening. As I noticed the school come into view, my ears started fulling with the sounds of students talking. I spend up my pace to get to the heat of the school. "Ahh..." I sighed when the heat got to my cold fast."much better." I whispered to my self. Going to my locker I took care of my stuff then went to class. Yuki, tohru, and kyo were already there along with Ou and Hanna. " hi! Sorry I'm late!" I said walking up to them.

"Hey Tomoyo." Tohru said.

"Hey to-to." I mentally sighed at Ou.

"Hello." Hanna greeted.

"Good morning." Yuki smiled.

"Morning." Kyo waved.

"Hey Tomoyo, do you want to come over and hang out after school. We haven't seen you at shigures in a while." Tohru asked. I slightly stiffened and looked at kyo. He knew I didn't like being cold. He simply looked away from me. Thanks kyo, you're great help!

"Um sure, I guess." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yay! Ou, Hanna, you should come too! It will be so much fun!" Tohru clapped her hands together and smiled widely.

"Ok, what about you Hanna." Ou asked.

"Yes, I'll come too, it sounds like... Fun." Hanna smiled. I sat at my desk behind kyo and Continued talking with my friends till class started. I figure everything will be ok. I'll just go to there house right after school and then walk home like I'm coming home from work. Luckily i didn't have work today. The school day went by quickly and soon found myself walking with every one to shigures house. Shigure was surprised that we were all coming.

"It's been a while Tomoyo! What happened!? I thought you died!" Shigure said when he saw me.

"Hehe no I didn't die." I smiled." I've just been really busy lately."

"Well thank god your alive." He smiled back. He is so weird. Almost exactly like aiyame. Today was rather bright so we all sat in the living room with the curtains open so the light can shine in. We all sat around the table talking and playing games. Kyo though still remained silent. At one point yuki and tohru got up at the same time but said they were gonna get snacks. Ou and I laughed at their minds being connected.

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