Chapter 8

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The morning sunlight shined though my window making me up. I slowly made my way to the window and pulled the curtains back reveling the autumn leaves on the trees in my back yard. I left to my brothers room and found him asleep. I'll leave him to sleep, he probably had along night. I made some scrambled eggs and pancakes with bacon, yep an all American meal but it's so good and Tamotsu loves it too. I ate my meal while watching some of the morning news. Tamotsu likes watching the news in the morning so it's became a habit of mine to watch it with him some mornings. When I was finished I cleaned my plate and made Tamotsu a plate so if he wakes up while I'm in the shower he can eat. I grabbed my uniform and a towel from the closet and started my shower. I know it's weird but I love cold showers, I just feel like I'm melting when I'm in a hot shower. Drying my hair I put it up into a ponytail and got my uniform on. I was brushing my teeth when I heard a pound sneeze in the kitchen. " god bless you!" I yelled to my brother.

" thank you!" I heard him yell back. I finished every thing I need to do then went to the kitchen.

" morning." I chirped walking into the room. Momo turned to look at me with a mouth full of bacon.

" muorncing." (Morning) he mumbled.

" I can't understand you with your mouth full." I sighed looking for my lunch box." Are you ok, you look sick?" I asked looking at him.

" I'm fine, just a cold. But don't come to close, you've got work!" He said smiling at me.

" HEY, you have work too so don't get cocky with me!" I yelled at him. He pouted a bit and continued eating. I made my lunch and started packing my bag.

" so what's your job?" He asked after his food was done.

" I'm working at a fabric shop, the owner is a relative of some of my good friends so he let me work for him. He's really nice." I finished packing and was about to put my shoes on.

" that's good, have a good day at school and work." He laughed a bit." I love you, bye." He waved.

" bye, love you." I waved backed and left towards school. Looking around at all the trees was really pretty, I love autumn. Tohru is lucky living in the woods where she's surrounded by all this. My house isn't to far from there's, I could go see the woods but I don't want to bother them, I'll just go straight to school. When I entered the halls I found that same girl harassing tohru." HEY, stop being mean to tohru!" I yelled then ran in front of tohru.

" excuse me, what are you gonna do shorty?" She asked in an annoying tone. Something inside me snapped, yes I'm normally very nice and I don't like being mean but I can be very nasty when I want to be.

" no excuse me bitch, what did you call me. If I head you correctly, you called me short. Just because I'm short, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." I snapped at her. She backed up a bit and looked angry.

" you have not right to call me-" I cut her off but slapping her hard across the face.

" leave tohru alone." I said in deadly tone. She got really scared and ran away with a hand on her face. I spun on my heel to face tohru." I'm so sorry, please forgive me for my language and behavior." I bowed my head.

" no thank you, she was being really mean. You helped me." Tohru thanked me.

" I'm still sorry." I whispered under my breath so she couldn't hear.

" what was that?"

" oh nothing." I smiled. We walked to our classroom and talked with Ou and Hanna before class started. We didn't talk about much but we discussed our week ends and I told Ou and Hanna about my new job. They seemed to think it was alright and gave me approval. Like I even needed it. It was too bad our seats weren't all next to each other's because I kinda didn't want to finish our discussion to listen to a teacher that's gonna talk for an hour straight. The teacher told us to read out loud from our books and she was gonna random pick if someone didn't volunteer. Just to get it over with so I didn't have to do it again I read out loud the first paragraph. After that I sorta zoned out the rest of the reading the lecture afterwards. I wasn't thinking anything in particular but my mind seemed to wander from subject to subject, like one minute I'll be thinking about what dream I had last night and the next I'll be thinking about food... I really want some food right now. Maybe cheesecake. That's it, now I'm sneaking out at Lunch and buying a cheesecake! But the day in particular was very relaxed and fast moving.

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