Chapter 3

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(Saturday morning.)

I woke up an hour before my alarm clock. I had a problem going to sleep last night because I couldn't wait for tonight. I raced out of my bed and started getting packed. I had to spend all day getting ready for the recital. I packed my music and my dress.* knock knock*" Tomoyo we have to leave in a minute, are you ready?" Momo asked me.

" yeah." I said opening the door. he gave me a apple then left out the front door. I walk behind him eating my apple till we got there. The director hurried me to my changing room. He explained to me what was going on tonight then he let me practice the songs. My first song that I was playing tonight was Adagio by Vivadi. I knew that song really well so I played though it then went to the next song. The next song was German Dance in F major by Beethoven. That song was a little bit harder than the first song but I still knew it pretty well. And last but not least, my favorite song out of the group. Be still, my soul by Jean Sibelius. I played it over and over till I got called to get dressed. I didn't even notice that I had been playing for 5 hours straight, my hands didn't even hurt.( ding dong the time is 5:30 :D) I had to get dressed early because the makeup and hair people want to spent a lot of time on me. Especially because I had long hair. I got my dress on which took forever. The dress was beautiful, it was a strapless white dress that went all the way to the ground. My hair was in like a curly updo and 2 curls hung down my neck. My whole outfit was white as snow and the only color was my crystal blue eyes that look even more blue next to the white. It was 30 minutes till the show started and I could hear the people filling the auditorium. I peeked behind the curtain to see if I could see tohru and everyone else. I looked till I saw a splash of orange and a bit of blonde hair. Everyone including shigure was sitting in the fourth row. I rushed around looking for my things, mostly my music. I finally remembered that I left it in my changing room so I ran back to get it.

" 5 minutes till you have to be backstage Tomoyo." My director yelled

" ok!" I yelled and ran to my spot backstage.

" welcome ladies and gentle men to our first piano recital. We will be having 3 people preform today, each with 3 songs and in the end a duet will be preformed by Tomoyo Honoka with her elder brother Tamotsu Honoka." The crowd started clapping. " our first proformence will be bye mr. Suoh he'll be playing blah blah blah." I zoned out the last part. Mr. Suoh played his songs then took a bow. The director introduced the next person but I didn't listen to his name. After he got done playing and taking his bow it was my turn. " next is miss Tomoyo Honoka. She'll be playing Adagio, German dance in F, and Be Still, My Soul. Please give a hand to miss Tomoyo." I walked onto stage and gave a small bow. I sat on the piano bench and waited for the clapping to die down before playing. I started the song feeling a bit shaky but I quickly got a hold of my self. I went thought the first two songs like a breeze wanting to get to the last song. I took a deep breath then closed my eyes and started playing. I played the best I ever had on the song and I felt great about it. I stood and bowed. My bother came out went I took a seat, he sat next to me and put the music on the stand. We played Sonata in C major by Mozart. After the song me and my brother took a bow and the other proformers came out and did the same thing.

I left my hair up and changed back into my casual clothes.* knock knock* I heard a knock at the dressing room door. " yes?" I yelled

" Tomoyo, it's tohru can we come in?" Tohru yelled.

" sure it's unlocked." I shouted trying to put my socks on.

" that was amazing Tomoyo, we loved it." Tohru said running up and hugging me.

" thank you so much." I said hugging her back.

" yes miss Honoka that was beautiful." Yuki said.

" thanks a lot, but yuki you could call me Tomoyo." I said letting go of tohru.

" oh ok, Tomoyo." He said.

" toto that was great." Ou said

" very good indeed." Hanna said.

" thanks you guys so much, really it means a lot." I said. " um where's kyo." I asked looking around.

" he said he'll talk to you in the hall, so if you wanna go see him then we won't mind waiting in here for you." Tohru said.

" uh ok I guess." I said. I walked out the door and looked around. I saw kyo down the hall." Hey kyo!" I yelled running over to him.

" hmm oh, hey Tomoyo." He said looking up from the ground.

" you look really cute in that tux." I said teasing him a little. He started blushing and looked at the ground again.

" well um... You played really good." He said.

" you really think so!" I said. He nodded his head. " aww thank you!" I said leaping at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. The next thing I heard was a loud boom. I looked at the ground and all I saw was kyo's clothes. I looked at my arms and saw a orange cat. I thought about what was going on for a second." Kyo?... Is that you?" I asked the cat.

~ kyo's pov ~

" kyo... Is that you." Tomoyo asked me.

" meow." Act like a cat, act like a cat was screaming through my head.

" oh gosh what am I gonna do. Wait I need yuki, he'll know what to do." Tomoyo said grabbing my clothes and running to the dressing room. She peeked through the door. " yuki can you come here a second." She said.

" ok." Yuki said coming to the door. " what is it?" He asked closing the door.

" we'll um I was talking to kyo and well.. I hugged him and well look." She said showing me to him.

" stupid cat, what were you thinking." Yuki said said to me.

" what?!? She's the one who hugged me!" I shouted at him.

" so you can talk." Tomoyo said." Then why did you meow when I asked you a question." She said in a angry tone. I kept silent.

" Tomoyo, I'm sure kyo didn't talk because he was trying to keep the secret." Yuki said trying to calm her down.

" what secret?" Tomoyo demanded.

" come over to our house later and I'll tell you, but for know there's to many people around." Yuki said.

" will you put me down." I asked trying to control my anger.

" oh sure." She said putting me on the ground.

" miss Honoka there's one thing I need to tell you about the secret." Yuki said. " well when we change back were kinda uh naked." At that moment I changed back. Tomoyo spun around and put her hands over her eyes.

~ Tomoyo's pov ~

I quickly covered my eyes when kyo changed back.

" um I'm goona need my clothes." Kyo said. I started blushing when I realized I was still holding his clothes. I gave them to him then covered my eyes again. When he got dressed he grabbed my arm." I'm sorry but you have to come home with ous." Kyo said." Yuki, go get tohru."

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