Chapter 1 - Harry | Debts

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"And then my eyes got used to the darkness
And everyone that I knew
Was lost and so long forgotten after you"

- Used to the darkness by Des Rocs

- Used to the darkness by Des Rocs

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"You owe me a lot of money, Styles." growled the all too familiar deep voice from the corner of the dark room.

Tell me something new. I owe money to a lot of people.

"And I'll pay you back, no stress, Gabriel." I replied calmly as ever, taking one deep breath as I titled my head back to meet his eyes.

As I wrinkled my nose I felt the small cuts on my cheek and lip, which were bleeding slightly and were already swollen. I didn't even notice how the ropes on my wrists and ankles cut into my skin, I was already getting used to it.

Gabriel and his greedy little bastards had kidnapped me during my evening workout and dragged me into an empty warehouse. Nothing they haven't done before, but this time they really seem to have had enough. Enough of me to be exact.

Well, after all, I owe him $100,000, and I haven't paid him a single penny back yet.

I have already received two warnings. One of them consisted of an almost broken nose and two bruised ribs. I don't think I'll get off any better this time.

"I just can't let you get away with this or others will think I've gotten sloppy and soft. It'll give me a bad reputation and later they'll also start not paying me back my money." he explained, shaking his head, his two lackeys each with a baseball bat in their hands reared up next to him menacingly.

Not that they would scare me in any way. But broken legs would not be my favorite outcome of this whole thing. I like my body parts too much for that. And I damn well need them to do my job.

"I told you you'd get your money," I repeated irritably, I hate to repeat myself. I also began to taste my own blood from my wounds in my mouth, which disgusted me and thus contributed to my bad mood.

This whole threatening principle makes no sense with me anyway and he knows that, so why does he keep trying?

"I'll give you three days." he announced, clipped.

"Fuck, what? Are you out of your mind? There's no way I'm making that." I shook my head in puzzlement at his command and Gabriel's eyes narrowed to slits. He wants me to fail.

And to be honest, I understand why. I would also love to beat me to death sometimes.

"How am I supposed to come up with that much money all at once? Three months at least." I countered. And not even that is enough time.

"Three days." he repeated himself bitterly.

"Do you want me to sell my body? And a kidney too? How am I going to get 100 thousand dollars in just three days and bring it to you?" I shouted while pulling on my shackles, an attempt to free myself and beat contemplation into him.

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