Chapter 14 - Madison | Destination

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"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold."
- Helen Keller

"- Helen Keller

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"Where the hell is my fucking watch?" I heard Harry's deep voice booming at the moment the door to the hotel room slammed shut behind him.

"What watch?" I played dumb. I had already made myself comfortable on my part of the bed, my legs elegantly crossed.

Yes, my part. Because there was only one mother fucking bed in this shabby room. Gosh, I hated motels. I don't think I've ever stayed in a more horrible room. I wouldn't be surprised to find mold in the corner or a dead body in the closet.

"You fucking lying snake, you know exactly which one I mean." he hissed as he walked dangerously slow towards me, his finger extended pointing at me. "I want my shit back and I don't want to repeat myself again after this. So tell me, where. Is. The. Watch?"

The snake metaphor was apt, I'll give him that. But the other bullshit was presumptuous, me and a liar? I don't know where he got that idea from.

"Oh I see, you mean the watch, the one you wore in Vegas." I snapped my fingers as if I had just grasped that idea. "How unfortunate for you, I saw that it was missing. I hope you get it back soon. It was a beautiful watch."

"Madison." he spat threateningly and a shiver ran through my body in response. He almost never says my name and hearing it come out of his mouth, with the thick British accent and the rough voice, is dangerous to my sanity.

"You stole it and now I want it back. Stop trying to sell yourself for dumber than you are." He was now standing right in front of me, towering over me so that I had to tilt my head back to meet his gaze.

"Stole it? Those are harsh words. Be careful you don't ruin someone's reputation with that, or are you trying to destroy mine?" I pouted now with an innocent look.

"Your reputation? That won't be the only thing I'll destroy." he growled, his eyes narrowing and I stood up to face him.

"But why? I haven't done anything or can you say the opposite?" I smiled, I knew he couldn't present any solid evidence. So it was his word against mine.

"I don't give a shit about evidence. I know you stole it off my wrist, removed the tracker and attached it to a car. Both are now in Ohio but not the watch. So where is it?" he repeated himself and my mouth curled into a knowing smirk.

Everything he said was true.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied again and a frustrated grumble rumbled through his chest. Before I knew it he was reaching out his right hand, catching me off guard as he wrapped his fingers tightly around my throat.

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