Chapter 13 - Harry | Suspicious

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"If there is a snake in the grass, you have to set the field on fire to draw it out."
- Matshona Dhliwayo

"- Matshona Dhliwayo

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I am in pure hell. No, really. It had been an overly stupid decision to choose to drive, because I had no way to get distance from Madison.

She was there. The whole fucking time. And I was absolutely not used to company. At least not every minute of the day...

It's been a long time since I spent the night with someone I didn't sleep with. To be exact, I don't remember any case where that ever happened.

The only positive thing so far is that she has lost her annoying nature, well, at least part of it. She quickly realized that she won't get far with me this way and that consistently fucking me up will only get her into more trouble.

However, a rest of this terrible character trait will always remain, no matter how much she tries to pretend. It seems to be in her nature to be a pain in the ass.

I don't trust her. Once a lying snake always a lying snake. She can act as friendly as she likes, but I see through her.

I don't buy her act of peace here, she's just screwed me over too many times for that.

So far, however, I know neither her plan nor the exact motive of her little act, but she became suspicious from the moment she stopped showing her anger and frustration towards me and started being nice and relaxed.

At least her take on it, to me she was annoying no matter what.

It just seems strange that she suddenly pulled herself together like that. I don't know her well, and I certainly never want to, but with the knowledge I have about her so far I can say with certainty that she is trying to play me again.

No one with such a short-tempered disposition switches up so quickly. I speak from my own experience. In addition, I didn't make it easy for her, because I didn't have the intention to stop provoking her, which made it even harder for her to act friendly.

Well, at least she kept her mouth shut during the night, even if she hardly closed an eye. Not that I paid much attention to that.

But she seems to start keeping a special eye on details of me and my behavior, another reason why it is dangerous to stay with her in such a small space.

During her little check out, before going to sleep she noticed the big scar on my right palm and asked about it... I was able to brush her off though. If only she knew that I had lost almost all mobility in my arm because of it.

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