Chapter 6 - Madison | No choice

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"Here is no choice but either do or die."
-William Wallace

"-William Wallace

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"Is everything settled for tonight? You called that guy to take us to the club through the back door, didn't you?" I asked Lucy, while I was once again putting on makeup to get ready for the night.

"Yes, of course. Don't worry, everything has been taken care of." she called back from another room. Lucy had already put on her makeup and was in the process of getting changed.

The plan for tonight is to go to a hip and highly exclusive club here in New York and pretend to be a staff member there. Of course, only to rip off the rich customers.

Lucy said she knows someone who can get us in there and called him. She made a deal with him that was apparently so good that he couldn't refuse it, whereupon I didn't bother to find out what the deal was all about. All that mattered to me was that we get in there today and my thoughts were elsewhere at the moment anyway.

I simply trust her and believe that she made the right decision. The conditions can't be that bad.

"You were really lucky the day before yesterday that that bounty hunter didn't catch you," she said, reminding me of that every two hours or so, just to warn me again and again how close that was and that I had to be careful now.

"That wasn't luck. Pure talent, honey." I smirked, just as I set to draw a thin eyeliner on my right eyelid.

After the stranger turned out to be a bounty hunter, I stayed in the casino for a while to make sure he wasn't lurking outside. During this time I stole the valuables of the men who were the reason that I was there in the first place.

Even though the evening was a mess, I still got what I came to Vegas for.

To make sure the stranger wasn't waiting for me at my hotel that night, I just booked myself into a new one and paid cash. I picked up my things the next morning and then directly took the next flight to New York City.

Of course, I immediately told Lucy when I left the casino what happened to me and she also changed her hotel in New York for safety's sake. Who knows what the stranger might know all about us.

My wish that if I'm being hunted, the person should obviously do it came true faster than expected... and not to the extent I wanted it to. I wanted Blake's killer to be the one chasing me in that case and not some shitty bounty hunter.

Well, I should have been more careful what I wished for.

"Pure talent?" she snorted derisively. "If you hadn't missed your court date, this whole mess would never have happened and you wouldn't have some lunatic hanging on your heels."

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