Chapter 9 - Harry | Tricks

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"The fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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"Wait wait wait, so you want me to chase the tracking device across the country for you? Why don't you do it yourself, H?" asked Niall over the phone.

I was sitting on a bench at the airport waiting for my flight to be called for boarding. If I had the ability to split in two, I wouldn't be asking Niall for a favor, I would be chasing the tracker and Madison at the same time myself.

Even though women often call me god, screaming that very pleased and loudly, I just couldn't chase two tracks at the same time.

Sadly, that's not possible and I'm dead certain that the two are no longer together in the same place anyway.

Madison is smart, she will have parted with the watch and now move on in another direction without it. Hopefully she hasn't sold it yet, that would suck.

And I would lose the rest of my fucking temper.

"Yeah, I'd do it myself, but I have another lead to follow." I explained to him now as I took a deep breath.

I hated this whole mess and how I had underestimated the job, it does take longer than expected and additionally takes away a lot more of my energy.

"Another lead? Fuck Harry, what's going on over there?" he wondered about my situation. Rightly so, because I asked him for favors more often than ever before in the years.

"It's not that important," I tried to brush him off. I still didn't want to fill him in. After all, it's none of his business. Only that of me and the lying snake.

"No, explain it to me or I'll hang up." he threatened and I hated how he made me choose, but my situation was getting more hopeless and I couldn't manage to solve it alone. I knew that.

Fucking Madison, the cunt is going to pay for this.

"You remember my watch don't you?" I asked now albeit reluctantly, but if he hung up on me now I was screwed. So I had to fill him in on details to get anywhere.

Even if I hated the idea of it. He would be safer if he knew less.

"Yes, of course. I was supposed to track it down, right?" he recalled.

"Yeah, and the woman who had the watch broke away from it last night so I can't track her anymore. And I'm sure they're both moving in different directions now." I continued.

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