Chapter 5 - Harry | Tracker

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"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
- Will Rogers

"- Will Rogers

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Fuck, I had definitely underestimated her. The bitch really surprised me and not many achieve to do that nowadays.

She saw through my plan to drug her, though I don't know how, and managed to turn the situation around so that she could escape. It was really interesting, I haven't met anyone who seems to be a challenge for me for a long time.

It was exciting and a certain thrill that I usually only feel in special situations in my job was triggered. I'm going to enjoy this hunt.

Of course, I would have liked to catch her right there and then and have her arrested, but if I had gotten my way, it would have caused too much of a stir. After all the casino was full with security and cameras.

But I knew that we would meet again soon, which is why I didn't care that I was dragged outside by the casino security guards. They only banned me from the casino for the rest of my life and threatened to press charges, otherwise there were no other consequences for my actions since they had no solid evidence.

So I was lucky that Madison's attempt to keep me away from her didn't end up in me being the one who ends up in jail at the end of the night.

I have to hand it to her, she seems to be really good at her job. But then again, so am I.

I quickly found out some information about her through research and used some contacts to get a list of her credit card charges. That's how I knew she had booked a flight to Las Vegas.

I then packed my bags and flew there in the morning, giving me all day to make arrangements before Madison arrived later that evening. I knew exactly which hotel she had checked into, but I waited until she did what she had come for.

Up until that point, I had no idea what she was doing in Vegas.

As it turned out she was heading for a very exclusive casino which she entered shortly after. I had previously redeemed a favor that someone still owed me and let me get from him a suit and an expensive watch, so that I could adapt to the visitors.

I recognized her immediately when she entered the room. She was even hotter than I remembered her. Well, after all, our first meeting was three years ago and her condition wasn't really the best she could be in.

I don't think she remembers me, she was almost blackout drunk and high on some heavy drugs.

I knew she looked familiar and now I know why. She was caught drinking in public and put in a drunk tank at police headquarters to sober up the day I was on duty.

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