Chapter 11 - Harry | Caught

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"Winning takes precedence over all. There's no gray area. No almost."
- Kobe Bryant

"- Kobe Bryant

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The whore has fucked me over again. Her sudden outburst of emotion with a sad sniveling voice has caught me completely off guard. I, the stupid piece of shit, lowered my gun carelessly, no idea what went wrong in my head at that moment but it was reckless.

I had thought she was no longer a threat, having finally caught her after all this time, and felt safe.

Well, I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

The goddamn snake had outsmarted me with her trick and immediately took advantage of the moment of my carelessness, while grabbing her phone.

Once again she hit her clenched fist directly against my windpipe, robbing me of any chance to catch a breath, that plus the surprise effect made sure I immediately sank to the floor and she could run out of the hotel room.

But the fucking cunt didn't get far. Without even running to the elevators, I sprinted down the stairwell after air had hit my lungs again and I could stand halfway straight.

I didn't give a shit how, but my goal was to catch her again. This time, she wasn't leaving town that easily.

Luckily for me, thanks to her still turned-on phone, I knew exactly where to find her. Despite her time advantage, I was able to cut her off and push her body harshly against the nearest brick wall to keep her in place.

And that's where we found ourselves now, both breathing heavily and dear Madison with wide, startled eyes.

"Uh-oh, gotcha, baby." I surprised her, chuckling deeply while pushing my knee between her legs to keep her body further pinned. "You can never run away from me no matter how many times you try."

But she was simply stunned. Her eyes, which I noticed for the first time because of our forced proximity and the brightness of a street lamp, were filled with pure contempt and so crystal blue.

She squirmed under my body and arched her back in an attempt to break free and only now did I register how close we actually were. So fucking close, our bodies were literally pressed together.

I clearly shouldn't think about this.

Just before she could free her arms from under me, I grabbed both of her wrists with my right hand and just held them above her head, taking my other hand from her mouth for the first time.

To have more control over her, I now pressed my left forearm firmly against her throat so that she could not move her head anymore. She could speak freely again though and she should, I want to hear her suffer.

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