Author's Note/ Introduction

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Hello my little devils, are you looking for trouble? Then you've come to the right place...

I warmly welcome everyone who comes across my account for the first time today and of course I'm happy about everyone who has been here before and has now returned!

A new adventure begins and I am more than happy to start this journey with you...

I've taken the time to come up with a new story... the ending is still unplanned and I'm not following any particular outcome so far, I think I'll figure that out as I write. However, I do have a basic idea and I am building this book around that.

I will try my best to upload a new chapter once maybe even twice a week. Well, we will see about that hahah.

Also, I would like to point out again that English is not my native language and therefore grammatical and linguistic mistakes are bound to happen. I'm sorry for that, but I guess we have to live with it.

⚠️Now to the warnings for this book and topics that could trigger⚠️:

Possible triggers could be violence, blood, use of drugs and alcohol of any kind, death and the exact description of it, panic attacks, mention of mental illness and abuse.

In addition, this book will contain sexual content. By that I mean smut with kinky twists like: gun play, degrading, spanking, blood play, oral, knife play, choking, anal, praise kink, daddy kink, bondage, edging and what not.

If this isn't your thing, then of course you don't have to read it and can just skip it. I will mark the corresponding chapters in the story with a (*) and ask you to keep kink shaming comments or similar hate to yourselves, please. (Each person prefers something different and should not be condemned accordingly.)

Small warning: this story will contain a lot of smut. So get ready for something.

What I can promise you is that rape and sexual assault will not be part of this story, in fact it will never be part of my stories. It's just something personal.

I learned a lot during the course of my last book, which was also my first, and I have found my own writing style, which is why I'm glad to be back. This story will be enemies to lovers again and both characters are dark, though in a different way than my last characters. I'm very excited and hope you will like them as much as I do.

Please keep in mind that this is all fanfiction and just bullshit I dug out of the dark corners of my brain. Separate the characters and the real people, because nothing I will describe can be associated with them in real life. I make them darker and more dangerous than they actually are and don't want to attack or offend anyone.

This is a safe place for anyone who is ready to experience the world I create and enjoys reading.

Keep in mind to expect the unexpected ;)

The characters with their aesthetics listed on the next page is simply a suggestion of how I imagine them in my head, which of course you don't have to accept. Imagine whoever the fuck you want and just have fun reading.

That's all I have to say, really. I love you all my naughty bitches and look forward to our following time together.

With lots of love and kisses xxx

*forehead kiss & COVID-friendly hug*

- L

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