Chapter 10 - Madison | Found

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"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."
- Hunter S. Thompson


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Florida is pretty nice this time of year, not too warm and not too cold either. The perfect temperature to lie relaxed on the beach and that's exactly what I was doing.

After successfully attaching the tracking device to a moving car, figuring out beforehand that the car was really going out of town, I headed straight for Florida, more like Miami.

I don't really know why I'm here, but the 1,291.4 mile drive between the two places just gave me a sense of security. No one is going to find me here anytime soon. Hopefully.

I left a message on Lucy's mailbox after I landed that I had arrived safely, although I left out exactly where I was, for her own safety and mine. She called me back as I was going up to my hotel room, which I had only booked for two nights, and told me that she had hidden the watch in a safe place.

I was relieved to know that she was okay and took my first really deep breath as I sat down on my double bed. The whole situation is so chaotic and also really confusing. And all of this only happened because I didn't show up for my court date because of Blake's sudden death.

Son of a bitch, I hope he finds out through some mystical force in hell that Lucy and I destroyed his entire company. We took it apart piece by piece, fired every employee and killed every deal. He should roll over in his grave and regret ever lying to us.

Nothing is left of his life's work, we made sure of that.

Nonetheless, unfortunately, it doesn't change my situation now. A bounty hunter is after me and I can't stop it anymore. He is really persistent and just doesn't seem to want to let go.

So I can't ignore the possibility that he might show up here in Miami at any moment and find me. Even though I'm sure he has no idea where I am at this moment, I have to be careful.

The tracking device is far away from me, but who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeve... and what he did before he became a bounty hunter.

The watch, which I had almost forgotten about in my short time in New York, seems to have some value for him, because he was very interested in it during our short conversation in New York.

I think it has not only something to do with the tracking device why he wanted to know its whereabouts, but something personal. Maybe it belonged to a family member and is an old family heirloom... or it was a present from his girlfriend.

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