Closer - pt.2

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I stared at him, to be honest I wasn't even surprised, I smirked, and looked over at his hand, then back at him. The look in his eyes turned from anger to shock.

"What?" I said with an innocent smile, "oh, don't tell me that you actually thought I'd be scared of you?" I didn't wait for a reply, grabbing his shirt, and pulling him towards me so our faces were mere centimeters apart, his free hand slamming against the wall on the other side of my head to keep himself from falling against me, "I know you, Ashton Irwin, probably better than you think I do. So I suggest you calm the fuck down before I put you down!" I push him away, he stumbled slightly, and hit the wall opposite me.

I had so many things I wanted to say to him in this moment, so many things I needed to say but couldn't, my brain wouldn't stop, I couldn't focus, I just felt so angry. We just looked at each other for a moment, eyes locked on each other's before I let out a deep breath, shaking my head, and walking to the door.

Before I could make it, I felt his large hand grab my arm, spinning me around to face him, and pinning me to the door with his hand around my neck, "don't walk away from me!" His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my skin.

He was panting slightly from the anger, he hit the door with his free hand, again next to my head, and let his head hang down to rest against my shoulder, his fingers tightening slightly around my neck. I closed my eyes to compose myself before speaking, "what do you want from me, Ashton?"

"I want you to stay out of my fucking life!" He says loudly, lifting his head to look at me again.

"Oh, really? Says the guy that's got me pinned against the door so I can't leave." I mock.

"When did you become such a bitch?" He asked, moving away from me.

"Me? You're joking, right?" I look at him in disbelief, "when was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?"

"Oh, don't start with all that deep hippy shit." He waved a hand in dismissal, walking back into the living room.

"Are you listening to yourself?" I yelled, walking after him, and finding him sitting on the sofa, feet on the coffee table, "who the fuck even are you?"

"I'm the same person I've always been."

"No, Ash, you're not!"

The nickname had him up on his feet, "who the fuck are you to tell me who I am?" He says raising his voice.

"You know, shouting isn't going to make you right." I reply, keeping my voice calm. I could see him shake from the anger, I always knew how to push his buttons, and I knew he hated that.

"I can shout if I want to fucking shout!" He moves towards me, looking down at me.

"Go on, do it. I know you want to," I look up at him, "Go on, Ashton, hit me." I stand my ground, never breaking eye contact but I know he'd never do that, not to me. It's just another button.

"You're not worth it."

"Well, apparently, neither are you." I shake my head yet again, walking away from him.

"I hate you." His voice is quiet, barely above a whisper. It causes me to halt in my step.

I turn back to look at him, "do you really think I still care?"

"Well, you're still fucking here."

"You're the one that stopped me leaving in the first place!" My voice becoming louder. He was so frustrating.

"No one's stopping you now!" he stepped towards me again, raising his voice so it was louder than mine, pointing towards the door, we just got louder...

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