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Right now I live with my mom, I've never met my dad. We actually live next door to the famous Scarlett Johanssen herself, but I've never really talked to her so much, only said hi a few times when we would see each other outside. I know that she's really famous so I respect her privacy. Mom has recently met a new guy. She's had a couple before but they've only stuck around for six months at the most. But her new boyfriend is different. They have been together for one and a half years now and are getting married in just a few days. He's always been very kind since the day my mom met him. I got happy by seeing my mom happy and I finally got a dad, it couldn't be better.

I've just turned 16 and a junior in high school. At school I'm usually with my three friends.

First off is Madilyn (usually we just call her Maddy). She's the classic "rich kid". She has long dark brown hair almost black that is always shiny and never becomes tangled, I really do not understand how she keeps it so. She's very tall and thin and is that person that always has the newest phone, a new outfit for everyday and has a room just for all her shoes. She's always wearing some form of tight dress or skirt or some really expensive top. When I describe her like that she sounds like the worst bitch, and I shouldn't lie, she can be a real bitch but sometimes but when she's in a good mood she's very kind and funny. She's also part of the cheerleader team at school.

Then we have Harper. She's probably the cutest, most caring person in the world. She has light brown hair that goes about down to her shoulders, and is so very nice tan-brown. I can best describe her as the "mom" of the group. She takes care of everything and everyone and always makes sure you are happy. And I love her, but she can actually be a little annoying sometimes with all the times per day she asks you how you feel but we know that she just means well.

Last but certainly not least, we have Liam. He's tall, very tall, dark-skinned and plays in the school football team. He's the world's kindest guy but sadly he also has a girlfriend, Maya. Although I'm not going to blame them. They are the school's cutest couple. And it may sound a little cliché, but for example every time after Liam plays a match, she runs up to him and hugs him. We are all the same age but Liam was born the latest. In fact he's born in December so we tend to bully him for that. But it usually ends up with him taking one of our bags and holding it up in the air as high up as he can just to show off how tall he is.

Then we have me, Tessa. Though I prefer to be called Tess, I don't really know where I got it from but I think it suits me better. If you think Maddy, she's the rich snob who's as girly as it can get, I'm the opposite of her. Or not really but we are different enough for me to ask myself at least twice a day how we can be friends. I play football with Liam, we both started at the same time and it's just me and two other girls on the team but I hardly ever talk to them outside of training even though we girls should stick together cause we are the only ones on the team. I've never been so alige and therefore thought fotball sounded more fun. I also play basketball which is quite ironic since I'm barely 5'0 feet but I have actually become very good at it since my mom got together with the new guy. He has apparently played for quite some time, so I got some private lessons from him before I could be accepted to the team. I'm bisexual but only the closest to me know that, just cause I didn't feel the need to tell everyone. My style is simple, usually I wear some baggy jeans with a hoodie and a cap. My hair is light brown and curly and that I got from my mom.

I also got my height from my mom. She's just over 5'1 and has the same light brown curly hair as me. After she found out she was pregnant with me, dad left her immediately. Dad was almost 30 years old and mom was only 15 when she got pregnant with me. I don't know much about dad, the only thing I have from him is a picture of him and my mom but he has probably changed quite a lot since that picture was taken. The only thing I know is that he left mom as soon as he found out about me and left her in a major depression. She's still recovering but is way better than before.

Mom's new boyfriend Logan is very tall and beefy, however, he is as white as he can be. He's also a Trump supporter which gives him minus points. But I have not had much contact with him mostly because I didn't think the relationship between him and my mom would last this long but also because I'm not home so often.

Either I'm at practice until late at night or I'm with my friends, or rather friend. The ones I keep up with at school, I rarely hang out with outside of school. Instead I'm hanging out with my best friend Nathan. I've known him almost my whole life and we have also almost always lived next door. He lives right next to me so our bedroom windows are opposite each other. We were born on the exact same day but he was born in Texas. Nathan and his family moved into the house next to me when he was one years old, and since then we have been best friends.

We tell each other everything even if it's a secret or not. When we were five, we sat out on the street and played with his new barbie dolls, that day he came out as gay to me. Back then I had no idea what it ment. I think it's cool that at such a young age he knew he liked guys while did not even know the whole alphabet. But the reason we don't go to the same school is because his parents thought it would be better if he went to a private school. To be honest, I don't care at all. More specifically I think it's better because it has probably prevented a lot of fights that might have arisen.

I don't have any siblings so Nathan became like a twin brother to me. But something I find a little strange is that my mom and Nathan's parents are not friends at all. They haven't fought or that they have anything against each other, they are just never seen together, which is a little strange because I have been at his place a millions of times and he has been at my place a million of times but I don't even think my mom has stepped her foot into Nathan's hall even once.


So this is my introduction to this new story. I hope you'll continue to read the rest and like what I've come up with so far. I wanted to write something not so similar to everyone else's adopted by ... stories, so I hope you want to follow Tessa's journey to a better life. If you want me to add something to the story or if there is something you find offending please let me know.

I think I'm going to upload the next chapter maybe tomorrow if I have time. so I hope you'll have a great day and I'll see you soon. 

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