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When the school day is over, the four of us all walk together to the beachcafé. When we get there we immediately go to the owner and congratulate him on the new café. We spend the day at the café mostly just talking and laughing with each other until the café closes for the day, then we go down a bit to a fireplace and light it on. We're sitting and chatting till late at night until Harper says she has to get home. We check the time and realise it's kind of late so we all decide to get home and say goodbye to each other.

The clock is currently 12.05am and it's going to take maybe a 45 minute walk to get home from the beach. I don't mind it though because I don't really have a rush to get home. But after about 20 minutes of walking it starts to get really cold and I only have a not so thick zip hoodie. I see a familiar car driving by and then it stops beside me. The car window rolls down and I see Scarlett with a bright smile. "Hi Tessa, why are you walking all alone this late at night? Do you want me to drive you home?" she asks. I'm quite shocked, she knows my name? Anyways, I'm freezing so a drive home would actually be nice. I say yes and thank you and get in the passenger seat.

Why is she out this late? I'm thinking, but I won't ask cause I don't really think that's my business. "So, what were you doing out at this time?" she asks, breaking the silence. "I was at the new café at the beach." I say looking at her with a smile. "Oh yeah I read about that somewhere, was it good?" "Yeah their smoothies are amazing, I really think that is going to be a new favorite spot to hang out" I answered her. I'm normally not this talkative kind of person but something about her just feels safe. Like I've never really had a conversation with her before but now it feels like we've known each other forever and that the conversations just fall so naturally.

The rest of the ride is just smalltalk and when I get out of the car I thank her for the ride and give her a big smile. She tells me that it was her pleasure and she was happy to do it.

I get inside and realise that neither mom or Logan is asleep yet. I sigh and am about to go up to my room when Logan calls on me. I get in the living room and can see that not only is he wasted, so is mom. I mean if he wants to drink and destroy his health that's his choice but does he really have to get mom to drink too? I look at them and see the empty bottles on the coffee table. There are like 15 bottles.

"Go get us another bear" Logan stutters. "What no, you are both wasted" I answer him, wrong move. Mom gets up from the couch and gives me a hard slap on the same cheek as Logan hit before. I was too scared and stunned to move so I just looked at her. "You ungrateful little monster do as your dad says" She also stutters.

Logan is just laughing at me and mom goes and sits down back on the couch. Mom isn't as strong as Logan so the hit wasn't nearly as hard as the last one but because my check is already bruised it hurts like hell.

I can't do anything but just look at her. How could she do this to me? to us? The thing is that she has had problems with alcohol before. That was one thing for her to cope with her depression, but she quit when i was 13 and she promised me that she would never drink again. I know all of this is Logan's fault. But I can't help but to also blame myself. If I would've never followed them to the beach maybe none of this would have happened. But that's too late now.

I'm still just staring at her. Her brown tired eyes. They are showing no signs of guilt. It's like it never happened. But then in the corner of my eye I can see her hand move again. One quick move. It goes to fast. Another slap against my cheek. As if it weren't enough before. Logan is still laughing. I've never seen this behavior from him before. I've seen him drunk, yes. But never like this. This icecold look on his face, and the same on my moms. What happened?

My eyes fill with tears. I can't do anything, they're two against me. It's unfair. I just left the room. I go up the stairs and shut my door. I don't even bother locking it because I'm not staying. I see the bag I packed yesterday and pick it up. I open the window and climb out. I shut the window again. It's freezing cold outside. I check the time, 12.56am. My face is now covered in tears. The mascara is all over my face. What am I supposed to do now? Nathan.

I walk up to his house and look inside one of the windows, it's pitch black. They're probably sleeping. So how am I going to get in contact with him? I open snap to look at the map so I can see the last time he was active. What his bitemoji isn't even in the house. Then I remembered. He's on vacation this weekend. Fuck.

I look around our neighborhood at the other houses. No one has their lights on, I don't want to be a bother and wake anyone up. Wait there is one house that still has their lights on downstairs. It's Scarlett's house. It's worth a shot, I mean I can just knock at the door and if she doesn't answer I just have to come up with something else.


hahaha sorry for the little cliffhanger, and you are unfortunately going to have to wait until january 1st for the next chapter because I won't be able to post anything tomorrow since I'm going away. 

Scarlett is finally in the picture, lets just hope that she'll answer the door for Tessa, or she'll have to come up with something else to do.

I'm sorry if I disappoint you but Colin or Cosmo is not going to be a part of this story, It's just going to be Scarlett and Rose, but I hope you can deal with that anyways:) until 2022, stay safe my friends! 

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