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Time goes by fast and soon enough I hear a knock on Scarletts door. I follow Scarlett through the house and watch her as she opens the door. In comes a tall blond lady in a black suit. "Hi, I'm Barbra. You must be Tessa?" She smiles and looks at me. I look up at Scarlett before quickly looking back at Barbra and nodding my head.

Scarlett goes up to shake her hand and starts speaking to the lady. I zone out thinking about what the care home is going to be like when Scarlett asks me if I have everything. I look down at my bag, nod and say "yes", which comes out more as a whisper.

I look over at Scarlett with tears in my eyes. I really don't want to say goodbye. I feel so alone, and scared. I don't want to go and live in a house with people I don't know. I don't want to leave. In this moment I feel so small again. Like a three year old who doesn't want her parent's to leave you at daycare.

Scarlett, of course, notices my scared and sad look and immediately brings me into a big hug. "You are so, so brave Tessa. You're going to be just fine. And you have my number so we can talk to each other everyday. And hopefully soon, you can come and stay with me until the trial with your mom is, okay?" Scarlett says holding me tight. "Okay" I whisper, sobbing a little.

Scarlett goes away for a second and when she's coming back she has a black hoodie in her hand. She hands over the black hoodie and I look at her confused.

"Well you only have a top on you, I don't want you getting cold" She says and smirks. "Thank you, but I have hoodies in my bag" I chuckle. "It's fine you can take it, it's too small for me anyways" she says smiling. "Oh, okay. Thank you so much Scarlett" "No problem sweetie." She gives me a quick hug again before we say our final goodbyes and I follow the tall blond lady out to the car.

It's quiet as we're heading to the car. It's a big black car with tinted windows. She opens the trunk cover and I put my bag in the car before heading to the passenger seat. She gets in the driver's seat and then we're off to the care home.

We arrive at a big house with a massive garden and I can see some kids running around, playing with each other. She parks and I carefully and slowly get out of the car. It's odd seeing a place like this. I look around. Some of the kids notice me and Barbra and waves. I'm not sure if the waves to us both or just barbra so I just smile at them and look away.

Barbra takes her hand on my back and we start walking to the entrance of the house. When we come in there is another lady standing in the entrance. She shakes my hand and tells me that her name is Laila. She tells me to follow her as we walk into the office in the house.

Barbra follows us and we sit down at their desk. Laila starts to tell me some information about the rules and regulations in the house. She says that her and Barbra are the caretakers of the house and that every kid in the house has their own chores. She also tells me that there are currently 11 other kids in the house and that I'm gonna share a room with another girl in the house.

Her name is Jodie and she's one year older than me and is one of the oldest kids in the house. She has a twin brother who also lives here. I'm the second oldest, and the other 9 kids are all ages between 5 and 14.

After they had told me a little about the other kids and some basic good things to know about them and the hourerules in general, Barbra showed me up to my room and left me to pack up and get ready for lunch with the others. Jodie wasn't in our room so I just assumed she was out with some friends or something.

I had my hoodie I got from Scarlett on me and it smelled just like her. It was comforting. I still had the braids that lizzie made yesterday but after sleeping with them they were a bit ruined so I decided to undo them and do a messy bun just cause it's easy.

 I still had the braids that lizzie made yesterday but after sleeping with them they were a bit ruined so I decided to undo them and do a messy bun just cause it's easy

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Soon after a girl my age came into the room and I understood that it was Jodie. She greeted me with a warm smile and said hello. I presented myself and so did she. She told me that she was outside with the kids before but that the lunch will be ready in like 15 minutes so she came up to tell me.

"I know this is very scary especially if it is your first time. But I can assure you that the other kids that live here are very kind, and the care workers are great. They can be a little strict but they would never be mean or hurt you in any way." Jodie said after she'd presented herself.

"That's nice to hear" I say with a little smile. Maybe this won't be too bad after all I think to myself. "The kids can ask a few questions, but just tell me if you're not comfortable with them and I'll handle it" She then tells me. "Thank you Jodie, I appreciate it, but I think I'll be fine" I answer.

"LUNCH IS READY" Laila shouts to us and we make our way down to the dining room. I follow Jodie to the table and sit down beside her. The table starts to fill up with children and soon everyone is sitting down and waiting for the food.

"This is Tessa, she's going to be living with us for a while. And I don't want anyone to freeze her out or make comments, you all know what it's like to be new here so treat her the same you would like to be treated." Barbra says before telling us that we can start to eat.

A boy who looks about 5 looks up at me and takes a bite of his sandwich. "How old are you?" he asks with food still in his mouth. "16" I answer him with a smile and continue eating my sandwich. A few other kids asked me questions like what school I go to and If I played any sports. I answerd their questions and soon the kids where done eating.

One by one they started to leave the table when they were done. When I had finished my sandwich Jodie looked at me and asked if I wanted to watch a movie in our room. I agreed and together we made our way up to our room.

I hadn't thought about what the room looked like before but when I came into the room again I started to look around and take in the surroundings. The room is not very big and there's two beds on each corner of the room. There is a desk in front of my bed and a small couch in front of Jodie's bed. Then on the wall opposite to the beds there is a tv.


Well.. it's been a while since last time. Heh sorry for that. but here is a little longer chapter. Tessa is finally settled in in the care home (I actually have no clue what you call it but group home/ care home, whatever.)

Take care and have something tasty to eat or drink :) Until next time, stay safe my friends <3

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