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We finish the movie and stay in the room until they announce dinner. We go down and eat and then go back up to the room again. We sit in the room and after a while one of the kids knocks on the door and asks us if we want to join game night. Jodie and I agree and we follow him down to the living room. After game night, we made it back to our room again.

Both of us change into our pajamas. I changed into the one I got from Scarlett, of course. I got in my bed and can't help but miss my mom. It's so different. And it all happened so fast. And I miss Scarlett, maybe I miss her even more.

I scroll on my phone for a little while when I get a message. 'Goodnight hun, hope you had a good day <3' it makes me feel a little better. I text her back 'thank you goodnight, miss you' she answers quickly with 'I miss you too. I'm trying to pull some strings, so the paperwork gets faster! And when I have the green light to foster you, we're going to celebrate!' I smile to myself. I can't wait for her to foster me too. I like her message and turn off my phone. Tomorrow is school again, and I don't really look forward to waking up early again.

The annoying sound of my alarm is ringing, 6.00 am. It's too fucking early for my brain to function, but I get up against my will and sit on my bed for a while with my eyes closed. I wonder what I can wear. I ended up choosing my overall and a white top under.

Next thing is breakfast. Jodie and I go down together, and she explains that they do our breakfast, and then we make the lunch by ourselves. Fair, to be honest. We decided to eat our breakfast in the living room since the dining room was packed with the other kids.

Laila comes into the living room and tells me that she's going to drive me to school today, so I can learn the way. I nod and eat the rest of my breakfast, when I'm done I go back up to our bedroom and put on some light makeup before taking my school bag and head down again.

We got into the car, and she said she could take Jodie too. The ride isn't long at all and only takes about five minutes until we arrive at my school. Jodie apparently goes to the same school as me. I don't feel like I have seen her before but then again there are like 1000 students at this school.

We got out, but Laila stopped Jodie to talk to her quickly. I stopped and waited for her about 5 meters away and tried to hear what they were saying, but I couldn't hear anything. When she walked back to me, I asked what she said and Jodie told me that now that I live at the group home Jodi is asked to "keep an eye on me" whatever that means.

We walk into the school together and then go our separate ways. I meet up with maddy and Harper at the lockers. "Hi Tess" She smiles at me and gives me a tight hug. "Hi Harper" I chuckle and hug her back. "So how's your weekend been?" Harper asks, "it's been okay" I obviously lie. Can't really say yeah you know my mom and stepdad got arrested, and now I live in a group home with a bunch of strangers and one of the most famous actresses in the world is planning to foster me. So yeah, the truth ain't going to happen.

We go on with the day as normal. No one really suspects a thing. I have football practice today after school, so after our last period, Liam and I go together to our lockers to get our bags and then go to the changing rooms to change into our clothes.

At training, our coach reminds us of the football game next week. It's a big game, so the coming trainings we're going to bust our asses off and train really hard for the game. Les't just say the soreness I'm going to ave tomorrow is gonna be painful. I change into my overall again and instead of the white top underneath I put on a sweater since it got a bit chilly outside now. 


So, so sorry for the delay. Haven't had motivation at all, but I hope you all know how much it means to me when you comment and like. I got a question, maybe a week and a half ago, asking if this story still is in progress, and of course it is. As I said I haven't had motivation at all and since school started I've had much to do there too. Ik it's just excuses, but I really hope you continue reading this story <3 

I have so many new ideas for this story, so I'm very motivated to write atm.  And again, I'm so very thankful for the positive response <3 Hope you have a good day and I promise I'm already writing the new chapter! Until next time, stay safe my friends 

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