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Warnings!! Violence, swearing, alcohol are going to be mentioned in this chapter. Please do not read if you don't feel comfortable. 


I have just returned home from basketball practice and the clock is half past ten. I throw my backpack on the floor in the hall and start walking towards the kitchen. Right in front of the hall is an opening to the living room. I see my mom asleep on the couch and just assume that Logan is still at work.

The kitchen is just to the left of the hall so I go straight in there. I go to the fridge to get the milk. I put down the milk on the sink and go and get one of the chairs. I place the chair against the lower cabinet so that I'll be able to reach the upper ones.I take down a bowl, jump down from the chair, take the milk with me and go to the kitchen table. There are the cereals that I ate for breakfast. I pour the milk into the bowl and then I pour the cereal. I take the bowl with me and go to one of the kitchen drawers to get a spoon. I was about to go up to my room and eat because it smelled so much cigarette smoke down here.

That's when I realized that Logan had to be home because when I made breakfast this morning I didn't smell any smoke and at that time in the morning I knew for sure that he was at work. After I've got my spoon and closed the drawer I turn to the right to go up the stairs, I'm met by Logan who is standing only a few centimeters in front of me. I got scared and jumped a little but managed to keep all the milk inside the bowl. I set aside the bowl on the sink next to me and take a few steps back so that I can be able to see his face. It's only when I have caught my breath that I feel the strong smell of alcohol. I look at his face and see that he's completely wasted. I've never seen him drunk before, not even a little so I don't know what to say. The only thing I know is that I won't tell my mom anything about this because she is just recovering from her depression, and I do not intend to be the person who destroys that. Before I can say anything he starts to talk about something with his cigarettes.

"Where the did you hide my fucking cigarettes you usless kid?!" he says as he walks towards me with wobbly short steps.

"What are you talking about? What damn cigarettes?" I back away as he walks towards me.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY CIGARETTES?" I'm afraid he's going to wake up mom so without thinking I tell him "Shh shut up, you are going to wake up mom!"

That made Logan really mad and from nowhere he raises his hand and drags it across my face. The adrenaline makes me not feel the pain yet. I can see on his face that he's as shocked as me about what just happened but I was too afraid to stay down there with him so instead I quickly slipped past him and ran up the stairs. I run straight to my room and lock the door, then I drag the desk with all my strength in front of the door to cover it.

Now I'm starting to feel it burning against my cheek. I look in the mirror that's standing on the desk I just pulled in front of the door. I see that my cheek is as red as blood, and also I'm bleeding under one of my eyes. I realize that it must have been his ring that cut me. I wonder how it can be so red just from a slap but then I realize that it's probably not so strange because a grown man of about 6'7 feet just just took everything he had and hit me with his entire palm against my cheek.

I can hear him starting to walk up our creaking stairs. My heart starts to go really fast and I can hear him mumbling something as he's getting closer to the door. Now he's standing outside the door. He mumbles some words that I can't really get into any sentences. But then he stops mumbling. He stays silent for a few seconds then he clears his throat.

"If you were to tell this to anyone, either your mom or one of your little friends, you know that I will not only hurt you but also your mother." He takes a few steps towards the stairs and then he stops "It's best little girl that you come up with a good and credible reason for your wounds, because you know that no one at school can find out about this either.

I know that he's drunk and doesn't usually behave like this. BUt I also know that there is truth behind what he says. First, mom would be devastated if she found out what happened. But I also don't want to risk anything happening to my mother, because I think that man is capable of anything and I have a feeling that this won't be the last time he will do something like this again.

I think I'll keep the desk in front of the door, just in case. I sit down on the bed and start thinking about what my excuse would be. Nathan knows that I have basket practice on Tuesdays so that can be my excuse to him. But the school can easily look up if I got injured on training so that excuse won't work on them. I sit and think about it for a while until I look at the clock on my phone and realize that it's already half past three in the morning. Has it already been 4 hours since I came home? I don't want to stay here.

I see another bag beside my bed and decide to start packing it. I'm not gonna leave just yet. But I want to be prepared if something like this happens again and I need to get out quickly. I go to my grey painted wardrobe where almost all the drawers are only half-closed because they're so overflowed with clothes. I press down two thick hoodies, one pair of training tights and a pair of soft pants and a t-shirt, but then there is no room for anything else. I push everything down in the backpack so that it can just be closed and then I put it back where it was before.

I need some air. I open the window and step out on the top step of the ladder. After that I close the window only so much that it's not visible that I've sneaked out and so that I can still open it when I want to come in again.


So the first chapter is out, sorry for the heavy content, The next chapter is coming tomorrow, hopefully if something else doesn't comes up. I don't think I'll have like a schedule to which days I'm going to update here so I'm just going to try and update as often as I can.

The next few chapters are also going to contain warnings like violence, swearing and alcohol, so be prepared for that. If you have anything special you want happening in the story lmk and have a good day. Stay safe my friends.

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