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"You okay hun?" Scarlett asks in the car. "Yeah" I say in a sigh, fiddling with the rings on my hand. "Doesn't really sound like it" Scarlett responds in a sad tone. "I got into an argument with Barbra and Laila" I admit. "About what" She asks.

"They told my teacher about everything, and I mean I get why, but I was so mad that they didn't tell me that they were going to say that to my teacher. And when I got back to the group home I totally snapped at Laila and screamed at her and then Barbra started telling me off, so I yelled at her too and then stormed out of the house and went to practice" I tell her, a bit ashamed.

"I understand why you got mad Tessa. I would be too if someone told another about what's going on in my life that I don't want them to know" Scarlett says comforting me. "Listen Tessa, your feelings are completely valid, but you also have to understand that they're just doing what's best for you okay?" She continues.

"Yeah I know, but I just got so mad" I say looking down. "And your reaction is completely normal, and I'm sure that Barbra and Laila understands that too. But I still think that when you get there, you should apologize and explain to them, in a calm state, why you got angry in the first place" She says. I nod in response.

"Hey look at me" She says as we stop at a red light. I look up at her, and she smiles at me. "You did absolutely nothing wrong okay? You were upset and in the heat of the moment you snapped. They understand and I understand. You have had a rough couple of days and none of us are expecting you to not express your feelings. Tessa you are so strong and brave, though you shouldn't have to be brave, you are a kid. But there is nothing else to do in this situation than to be there for you when you need us, and I promise you Tess I'm always here for you whenever you need me" She says smiling. As the light turn greed she starts driving again.

I can hear the pain in her voice, and her eyes are tearing up. My eyes are also tearing up, she makes me feel so safe and valid. "When these things happen, I want you to call me and I can help you calm down" She orders. "Okay, I promise Scarlett" I say smiling.

I have to guide the way to the group home since she hadn't been there before. We slowly drive into the parking lot. I am so nervous. I'm scared what they're going to say and do, and what the other kids will think about me.

"Do you want me to follow you to the door?" Scarlett asks. Honestly I don't want to be more bother to her, so I tell her that she doesn't have to. "It's okay Tess, I'll come with you" She says unbuckling her belt. I think she noticed I'm a bit nervous.

We get out of the car and as we're heading towards the door Scarlett takes my hand. I feel so safe around her.

I think Laila and Barbra knew we were here because just as we walked up the stairs Laila opened the door and Barbra was behind her. They didn't look mad, but they definitely did not look happy. Scarlett and I walked in together and as soon as we got in Barbra told me to go wait in their office whilst they wanted to talk to Scarlett.

I walked into their office but didn't close the door as I wanted to hear what they were going to say. "Thank you for driving her home Ms. Johansson, Barbra said. "No problem at all" Scarlett responded.

They continued to ask if I told her anything about what happened. Scarlett said exactly what I told her in the car, and you could hear that she was totally on my side. She defended me, the thought of that warms my heart. She told them that it's normal for me to act this way based on what I've been through and both Barbra and Laila agreed to that.

As soon as I heard them say goodbye to each other I rushed to the chair in the room, so they wouldn't suspect me listening to them. I picked up my phone and opened Instagram pretending to look at it until they entered the room. When they came in I put pack the phone in my pocked and looked down.

They both have their own desk in the office and in front of Laila's desk is the chair I was sat in. Laila sat down in her chair and Barbra steered her office chair to Laila's desk and sat down.

"Okay first of Tessa, we do not accept the attitude you had before you left today" Laila starts. "We understand why you reacted that way though" Barbra fills in. I look up at them when they speak but look down as soon as it goes quiet. "We understand the reaction, but we didn't like the way you handled it and how rude you were to us" Laila says making me frown.

"Can I get to speak now" I ask looking up. "Go ahead" Barbra says. "Okay, I'm sorry for the way I yelled at you, but I don't like that you spoke to my teacher about what I'm going through without my knowledge." I tell them. "We get that but Tessa you have to understand that we only told your teacher for your own sake and because we have to" Barbra says. "I know, and I understand that but what pissed me off is that you told her without telling me first" I say a bit frustrated because they don't seem to get it.

"Okay Tessa, we promise we will tell you in the future. But these actions come with consequences" Laila says. It's like she has no compassion whatsoever. I just sigh in response.

"First off, your curfew time is going to be at 9.pm" Laila begins. "What!" I say loudly. She gives me a death stare which I give back to her. "Well we know your practice ended at seven, and you weren't home until 11, and you didn't notify us about where you were going so because of that we want you home at 9.pm every day, and you have to tell us when you are going out and with whom" Laila informs me. I just scoff. This is for real ridicules. "Listen, we know you have a competition next week so if you can follow the curfew rule until then you're free after that. But we still want to get notified when you are going out, so we can know that you're safe okay?" Barbra says. "Fine, whatever, can I go now?" I ask annoyed. "Sure" Barbra says smiling sadly at me.

I get up to the bedroom and immediately change into my pajamas. I brush my teeth and brush through my hair then make two french braids to sleep in. Jodie is in her bed watching YouTube or something on her phone. I get in bed and pick up my phone. I open TikTok and watch for about 30 minutes until I put away my phone and decides to go to sleep. Jodie does the same and tells me goodnight which I respond to before falling asleep.


Hope you liked this chapter. I have the next chapter already written so do you guys want it today or tomorrow?

Until next time stay safe my friends <3

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