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When there's about 10 minutes left of the third movie Scarlett gets up to go to the kitchen and prepare the dinner. When me and Lizzie have finished the movie we go to the kitchen to help Scar with the dinner.

"I'm making pasta. Do you want to help?" Scarlett asks us when we make it into the kitchen. "Sure, what do you want help with?" I say as I go to the sink to wash my hands. "You can cut up the vegetables if you want to" she says, pointing at the cutting board with some lettuce on it.

I walk over to the cutting board and start to cut the lettuce and then put it up in a bowl. Scarlett and Lizzie continue setting the table and as soon as the meal is done we sit down to eat.

When we're done eating Lizzie starts cleaning up and me and Scarlett just sit and talk for a while. Scarlett asks how school is going and what I like to do after school. I tell her that school is going pretty good and that I mostly hang out with my best friend Nathan. I tell her a little about Maddy Harper and Liam too. When Lizzie has cleaned up most of the dishes she says she's got to head home so we walk her to the front door and say our goodbyes.

"Can I just borrow your phone for a second Tessa?" Lizzie asks before she heads out. A little confused I give her my phone and she types something then gives it back to me. She gives me a tight hug and tells me that I can call her whenever I want and then she leaves.

I look at my phone and see that she put in her number as a contact. My lips form a little smile and I turn around to face Scarlett. "Okay kiddo, it's kind of late, so I think we should head to bed now." I nod and follow her to the room I'm supposed to stay in.

As I was already in my pyjamas, I just jumped right into the bed and dragged the covers over me. Scarlett sat down beside me in the bed and looked at me. "Thank you for today Scarlett" "Oh hunny you don't have to say thank you. It was all my pleasure. I know today must've been very hard for you. I'm really proud of you, you're a strong girl. And tomorrow is a big day for you so I suggest you should get some sleep now." I nod and put my head on the pillow and close my eyes.

When I hear the door closing I pick up my phone and watch some tiktok. I wasn't tired at all, and also very nervous for tomorrow. What if the other kids at the group home won't like me? What if they're really mean there? My mind is going through everything bad at this point and as I lay there thinking about it, the thought of my mom crosses my mind.

They can't take this so seriously for one little thing. I mean I get that if she hits me that they have to do something about it. But isn't it a little over dramatic to take away her custody for a one time thing? Unless this isn't a one time thing. I mean she has never hit me before but the alcohol part is maybe not so uncommon for her. If that's the case, if she's had problems with it before it would explain a lot.

As I think back more memories start to pop up that I didn't recognise before. Even before she met Logan there were times she could act differently. The times she was "weird", as I called it. She could become more aggressive and angry, but when I asked her why she said it was because she was tired. Therefore I always thought she was tired when she was "weird". But now that I think about it, it makes sense that instead of being tired, she was drunk. Yesterday with mom and Logan, she had that look. The same look she gets when she's "weird" or "tired". I can recognise that face as soon as I see her. It's like she becomes a different person. Her eyes get heavy and just her whole face looks different.

So all the times I thought she was just tired, she was actually drunk? Well It would explain the situation. It would explain a lot actually.

I lay and think for maybe an hour before I drift off to sleep. I wake up to the sun shining through the white curtains. I pick up my phone to check the time. 7:03 am. I've got to be at the group home at 9 so I get up and head out to the hall where my suitcase is.

I pick up a pair of jeans and a tank top to go with it. I go back to the guest room and change into the outfit.

I go out of the room again and go to the kitchen where Scarlett already is

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I go out of the room again and go to the kitchen where Scarlett already is. "Good Morning sunshine, did you sleep well?" She asks me as I sit down on one of the chairs. "Yeah" I answer and give her a small smile.

She hands me a plate of pancakes and a glass of milk, and sits down beside me. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" I ask. "No I have already eaten" Scarlett replies with a smile. "Oh okay" I say as I start to eat the pancakes. "Are you feeling okay?" Scarlett asks, putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. "A little" I say after swallowing the bite I just took.

"It's going to go just fine. You're tougher than you think Tessa." She says stroking my arm and standing up. She walks over to a table beside the kitchen counter and picks up a piece of paper and a pen. She writes something down and then hands it over to me. "I'm going to do as Lizzie did and give you my number. If anything happens or if you don't feel good about the place, you call me and I will come and pick you up, okay?" "Okay, thanks" I answer with a little smile and continue to eat up my breakfast. 


took me very long to post this chapter, sorry for that. Haven't had a great month. Just very tired of school and life in general so idk how much I'll update, but I'm going to write as often as I can and have time for it and when I have the energy to do it. I'm gonna try to update more, thank you to everyone who comments and reads, it means much. 

until next time, stay safe my friends! xx

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