Chapter 17: Seventeenth birthday

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Hey guys, just skipping to Edward's seventeenth birthday because I was bored of him being two all the time. Stefan and Damon left to go to mystic falls... Bella and Edward are still going out and Bella is a vampire now.

Carlisle p.o.v

Today is my youngest son Edward's seventeenth birthday.

I have to make this one better than his babyhood was.

Its gonna be tough since I have work today but I am determined to find time to be with him.

I was in work and everything wads going well until.

"Sir, you have an unidentified new patient."The trauma nurse said.

"Well what do you know?" I asked worried.

"The person is a seventeen year old male involved in a car accident."She said.

My heart went to my throat.

It is probably Edward.

"The guy that hit him is brain dead and the family have just pulled the plug."she added.

Well at least the guy that it to him is dead.

If it is my Edward.

We were in the intensive care unit.

She showed me to the patient.

It was Edward.

I ran both hands through my hair.

"You know him?" the nurse said looking at my face.

"Yeah, it's my son." I said.

"Okay I'll just give you the clipboard with his injury information and leave you alone."she said.

"Thanks."I said.

I looked at my son's fragile body.

I kissed his forehead and called Esme.

"Baby, whats wrong?"she asked.

"Edward got involved in a car crash."I said and looked at the clipboard.

It looked like this.

Name: Edward Cullen

Age: 17

Accident information:

Edward has multiple breaks in his legs and ribs.

His breathing is now stable.

He has a bad head injury.

It is doubtful that he will survive this.

"Do you have to turn him?"she asked.

"Unfortunately Esme I have to, he won't live past today if I don't"I explained.

"Well I'll tell Bella, did you know Edward got her pregnant?" She said.

I am stunned.

"No I didn't"I said and the heart monitor went funny.

"I have to go."I said.

"Bye."She said and hung up.

I ran over to Edward.

I wrote on the clipboard that I turned him and took him home.

I bit into Edward's neck and my venom went in.

I detached all the wires and took him home.

Esme and Bella were waiting when I got home.

Edward was in pain, I could tell but it would be worth it.

To see him awake is all I need.

Jasper came outside.

"You okay dad?"he asked me.

I nodded.

Bella placed a shield over Edward.

I felt him go still and go limp in my arms.

I ran with Bella to his room and placed him on the bed

The next three days are going to be tough.

But it will be worth it.

Baby Edward Anthony Masen Cullen ♥DISCONTINUED♥Where stories live. Discover now