Chapter 10 : First Beach nightmare

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Guys sorry I have not uploaded I have been so busy because my birthdays is coming up soon and i will post either the day before or on the day of it so u will know when it is. If you wanna guess then leave it in the comments and the first person to get it right will be dedicated in my next chap. This is the First beach chapter


Bella p.o.v

I have been going out with Edward the love of my short life for a while now and today my daddy is taking us to first beach to play and get wet in the sea if we want. I was wearing a pink swimming costume underneath my dress which is purple and hides it completely.My daddy was making a picnic for the three of us and he was going to stayin the car waiting for Billy Black so when we go home we drop Billy off at the house and then take Edward home to his big beatiful house that is so amazing. I will be two soon I know Edward is one but i don't care. Gotta go now Esme just dropped Edward off and we are leaving soon.

Jacob Black p.o.v

Billy told me i have to take him to first beach because he is meeting Charlie, Bella and her boyfriend. I thought he was joking when he said that charlie's one year old was going out with another one year that is slightly younger then she is but oh well it is not my concern. I just hope that it is not that leech human boy cause if it is..... I have to tell him the scary stories about us and them, and maybe i will phase to scare the boy to death. I know i am so evil. Just arrived and guess what the little leech boy is there and what i am going to do may cost us wearwolves the resevation.

Edward p.ov

I asked Bella who the big person coming towardfs us is and she sauid that he was Jacob,Billy's son and they lived on la push the resevationthat owns the beach we are standing on now. He cames up to us and said

" Hey Bella, Hey leech boy."

"What do you mean leech boy i am 100% human" i replied shocked for him to call me that.

"Hey big guy don't diss my boyfriend just because his family is the cullens and theyare vampires you have NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT" Bella shouted.

"So you two have not been told the story of us and them???"Jacob said.

" I don't think so" I replied soon regretting it. I hate scary stories.

" Well let me tell you.." he said.


Naratory bit

For those of you who have watched twilight. Jacob tell them the same stories that he told bella in the movie basicly all about wearwolves meeting the Cullens but just with out edward in it and the treaty that has been signed and that they really should not be there right now.


Edward p.o.v continued

So jacon told us the stories and Bella said that her dad let us come here and we can when we want. The he started shaking and gettting angry then he went backwards and turned into a HUGE WEARWOLF like the ones in the stories and Bella screamed he was so scary. Charlie came and told him that his kind was no longer welcome here no more and they had to leave tonight and never come back and that the reservation was going to the cullens and Esme will build a house for Billy to live in peacfully next to his and that was the end of it. Jacob almost bit me,Charlie and Bella when Bily shouted "Do as he says Jacob you are no longer welcome". We thank him and Charile said " We best take you home and explain to your mum Edward ." and I told him about alices powers seeing the future so they might now a little bit about what happended.(a/n: In this story Alice can see the future even with wearwolves present.) Charlie stll took me home so i could recover from the trama. As soon as i walk in Esme my mum just ran at human sprinting pace and scopped me up in her arms and said that its ok now no big smelly wolves were goning to hurt me. Later Alice changed me into Blue teddy bear pyjamas and Daddy came home. I hugged each of them goodnight and went to sleep.


Edward's nightmare-scary-

I was running as fast as my human legs could carry me but i was not fast enough for the big wolf he caught me and killed me.


I woke up crying and Daddy was there he picked me up and rocked me like he did when i was a small baby and said Its alright now and calmed me down without Jasper and asked if my nightmare was about the big wolf i saw today and i just nodded and he rocked me to sleep.


Well guys do you like it? i know that nightmare was a bit scary i apologise if anyone has a nightmare about it 

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