Chapter 9: Am i really a Cullen?

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  • Dedicated to All the fans and people who read my book so far

Hey guys thid chapter will be about  Edward asking the the question on his mind. I just wanna dedicate this chapter to everyone that has read and fanned me and my book.


Edward p.o.v

Mum just came into my room and i just want to ask a question, I think Alice saw me ask so she told mum to come up and talk with me about it. "Hey Edward. Alice said you wanted to ask something."

"Why are your eyes golden and sometimes black but mine are always green?" i ask

"Well let me show you." and turns on the telly to the local news programme.

News programme:

"After a wet an windy week, finally a years anniversary can be held shortly on this dry cloudy day for the deaths of Forks police chef Edward masen and his wife Elizabeth when a car crashed into the side of the car. Mrs masen was pregnant at the time and Carlisle cullen who was there at the time saved the little child who has been identified as one year old Edward anthony masen cullen. The other officers recommend that the whole town of forks go to the memorial service and mourn this terrible loss and that Carlisle cullen should get a medal for his hard work and bravery.The memorial is at the crash site.

I was shocked a bit by the programme, they knew who is was and i found out something i did not know but my question was answered even if i started crying.

" Aww baby don't cry, im here and why don't we go with daddy to it  yeah. don't worry we still love you hunny you have brightend our hearts and it was your birth mums wish to be with us i promise that we will love and care for you for the rest of our lives."

"ok mum but why did daddy save me why did i not go with my parents?"

"well he heard and knew she was pregnant and knew that if it was us that we would do what ever we could to save you and Carlisle is a kind caring man."

"ok i really want to go to the service because i will be happier that i knew them at least a little bit."



Carlisle p.o.v

It is great to see Edward want to go to the memorial and i think that me getting a medal is a little silly but never mind that is just another part of life. We are just on our way to the memorial service and Charlie the new cheif of forks police said that he knows what we are but we can stay in forks for ever !!! We are so happy right now Jasper is strugling to calm us down but inside i know he is happy and so is Edward now he can stay with Bella and they both can change into our kind if they want, we already let Charlie become one of us soon and that will mean the crime rate will go down. 

We just arrived to lots of people giving Edward teddy bears and hugs which we found cute when he went red when bella kissed him. The service is going well there are picture so i get to show him what his mommyand daddy looked like and we had a two minute silence and it was time to go home so I picked Edward up and carried him to the car when he fell asleep, I went into the trunk ofthe car and got a blanket and placed it over him and we drove home and put him in bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Like it?? They get to stay for ever and no one will care that they don't age and Bella Kissed Edward :D and the next chapter will be about first beach and meeting the werewolves 

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