Chapter 5: Edward gets really ill part 3

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Hey guys its  the  final part of this chapter the operation with surprise ending.As far as we know rose still hates edward but it might change and bella and her dad are going to be in this chapter to.

Charlie swan p.o.v

I wanted to thank Carlisle in person for treating Bella three months ago .I would of done it then but we were both busy, so i came to the hospital to do what was in my mind for three months when i saw him looking sort of stressed out by something, so i went up to him and said " Hey Carlisle youok mate? its just you look stressed" " Well it doesn't help that my youngest in ill and i sort of blame my self for not noticing sooner"He repiled and then sort of got upset like all the emotion just poured out. I went and gave him a hug and said" You know my Bella is very grateful for whatyou did three months ago"And cheered hinm up a little before saying "Youdo realise it is not your fault some times children hide that there are ill so they don't worry the parents, well thats what Bella did when she fell over at daycare" "Thanks Charlie i fell a bit better now you told me that and tell Bella it was my pleasure making her leg better and she can vist him if she wants" he replied. I said its ok and went to get Bella fromdaycare so she could see Edward.

Carlisle p.o.v

Thanks to Charlie I don't feel so gulityabout not notceing Edward getting ill.He has just conme out of theater now and the doctor walked up to me and said " Well its a good thing Edward came here because his other lung almost gave up working because of the stress of being the only one working, he has a new lung but has to be on a ventilator for 5 weeks just to make sure it works properly and his body doesn't reject it." I said thanks and felt relived so i called everyone at home to say he made it but won't be back for a bit but youcan see him now.

Rosalie p.o.v

It is weird i am starting to love the baby and i just randomly went to the hospital to see him. Looking at his small body and his chest moving up and down and the tubes comingout of his mouth and nose (nose tube for food :P ) and i started to love him more and more and is was going to tell my family about it later but alice texted me and said that she already told them about my liking for him.

~next day~

Bella's p.o.v

It is Friday two days till Easter and my daddy told me that we were goingto see the doctor's little boy. Daddy also told me he is too porly to have and easter egg but wecould give him one any way and hecould eat it whenhe is better. When wegot there we were shown to the ward he was in the big bluething onthe top said itwas intensive care children's unit, I asked daddy what it meant and he said that this ward forforthe children that needed around the clock care.When wesaw Edward hewas so small and cute. Daddy but anti baterial gel on my hands and said that i could stroke his cheek if i wanted so idid and it was warmer than my handby a little bit. We Put the Thomas the tank Easter egg inin the cuborad by the crib that said "Easter eggs" said goodbye and left.

Well what do you think oh and read my other book please i willmake the first chapter tomorrow and upload some more of this book 2 morrow aswell. Do you think" yes finally rose loves the baby"? tell me please. oh and doyou think the love i put at the end with bella should become stronger??

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