Chapter 12 : Let's kill Tanya

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Okay now Tayna will die for taking Edward away from the cullens but the is a shock insotre for everyone. Tvd is being put in this 2 don't be mad at me I had the idea last night :p

Esme's p.o.v 

I will kill Tayna for taking my son from me and I think Carlisle agrees. No one year old boy should be taken from their parents well no child should but hey bad stuff happen. It all was a blur since we found out he was taken I am about to turn on the news program.


News programe

A 1 year old boy called Edward cullen has been taken from his home by a woman named Tanya. Edward cullen son of Carlisle and Esme cullen lived happily in Forks washington till Bella swans second birthday that was 6 months ago when he was cruely taken from his home. Police have been searching and whenever they find a lead she just moves places we have just been informed that Jacob Black a human that turns into a werewolf? when he is angry he also helps her find out when the police are coming so they can move before the police come to take the boy back to the parents. The cullens are going to help with the search for their missing boy.(picture i made hopelfully ->>>>>>>>) Call 01347 345356 (fake i think don't call it) if youknow where he is.


Tanya's p.o.v

Dam they are still looking for him i thought they would of given up but if i know the cullens like i do they don't stop till their goal is achived.It makes me sick. " Mr Salvatore how would your boys want to play with mine" i called and walked up to the house leaving wolf boy with the boy i now have.

Mr salvatore's p.o.v


me: Sons I just called the culens to pick up Edward their little boy they will be here soon so look your best and Damon be nice.

Stefan : So ywou mean Edward iws nwot Twayna's ? (he is only one and doesn't speak much)

Damon:  Yay you finally figured it out. (he is 4 and sarcastic alot)

Me: DAMON .She had us all fooled so be quiet.

Tanya came and said that Edward could play with Stefan for a bit while she went with the wolf hunting because Edward hurt his leg and its bleeding alot. Stupid vampire.

Edward's p.o.v

I want my mommy back and mwy daddy and sisters and brothers and Bella. Mr Salvatore took me up to the big house and gave me some water that i drank. I only got a few scraps a day from Stefan and we are really close friends now. Mr salvatore told me my mummy and daddy are coing to get me and kill Tayna for taking me.   I went into the lounge and ran to my mummy who was waiting for me and daddy fixed my leg which had a cut on it and the Slavatores are going to share the house we live in with us for free. Mummy sat with me in the back of the car on the way home and i was not sleeping al though i was tired and  i asked two things 1) where was daddy and two is bella ok. Mummy answered saying daddy gone to kill Tanya and Bella is ok and she misses you alot. And knowing that i went to sleep.


Okay like hate now i added vampire daries next chap up soon i have be so ill this took two days to write. 

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