Chapter 1 The First Encounter

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Selena: Captain on the bridge!

As Zeke approach the bridge he could see the operators and helmsmen are standing still and awaiting orders, he grabs the radio microphone to address all crewmen of the Alicorn

Zeke: Crewmen of Alicorn, heed my words...this boat has means to end this heinous war with the Crimson axis by bringing fear and terror into their hearts and minds, that they will have to think twice into setting foot on the ocean!

Crewmen of the sub cheered at his speech. He then reach out his hand.

Zeke: Now, Commence Operation Leviathan!

Somewhere in the east coast of Eagle Union

Iron blood ships along with the siren fleet are heading NY city to bombard an Eagle Union naval harbor. 

Odin:  Heh, ever since they lost Azur lane base, we got the Eagle Union cornered.

August von Parseval: With one more attack on their east coast base, they will be knocked out of the war. But as for the West Coast, the Sakura Empire will take care of them.

Bismarck is the flagship of the attack fleet and senses something that isn't right.

Tirpitz: Schwester, are you alright?

Bismarck: That's strange... The Eagle Union ships would already intercepting us once we enter their waters...but their is none of them on our radar.

Z-18: Ha! they're probably afraid of our technological superiority!

Bismarck: I don't think that's the case, I have an odd feeling that something is waiting for us... stay alert everyone.

When they saw the NY city's buildings on the horizon they begun preping themselves.

Mainz: We're almost their  lets position ourselves.

The all nodded, but suddenly Z23 picked up something in her sonar.

(Play the music above the chapter)

Z23: Guys hold it! 

They all stopped and listened to Z23.

Bismarck: What is it Z23?

Z23: I'm detecting something huge in my sonar!

As she said that, they feel the ocean is shaking. 

Hipper: Scheiße! What in the world is happening?!

Z-18: Why is the ocean shaking?! 

Everyone was shocked on why is the ocean shaking.

August: Everyone look!

She pointed at a direction on something that is surfacing.

She pointed at a direction on something that is surfacing

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