Chapter 7 Under Attacked And Off Duty

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At Strait of Magellan

After the Attack on the axis convoy, the Alicorn was ordered to return back to Azur lane. While heading back to Azur lane Zeke decided to go on the flight deck to enjoy the fresh air.

He stood there for 30 minutes until he returned back inside.

Time skip

They're already in the pacific ocean and the radar pick something up.

Selena: Captain, our radars picked up 10,000 siren ships west of our location and they're heading straight towards us!

Zeke: ....All hands man your battle stations!

The crew manned their stations as the submarine brings out its armanents and launching aircrafts at the same time.

At the Sirens

Purifier is leading the siren armada.

Purifier: Time to sink that nuisance!

All siren planes launched from the siren carrier while the siren battleships, cruisers and destroyers rush at the Alicorn.

It then begins to fire its railguns at the 2 siren ships instantly sinking them.

Purifier: Woah, despite the small size of those guns, they can pack a punch.

At Alicorn

Zeke knows the ship would run out ammunition soon due to the previous battle, so he decided to call for back up from Azur lane.

Zeke: Selena, call for reinforcements from the Azur lane.

Selena: Aye captain.

She told at one of the crew to call for some back up from Azur lane.

Selena: They said they're gonna arrive in few hours.


He ordered to fire burst missiles at the the siren armada. When one of the burst missile hit the siren destroyer, the other siren destoyer beside it was also hit from the blast causing the both them to sink, so 2 birds with 1 stone.

The sub keeps firing burst missiles at the siren ships.

At Purifier

Purifier:Time to join in the fun!

She dashes forward at the Alicorn and fired her lasers at the sub.

Purifier: Take this!

She fired another volley of laser, most of the laser was blocked by the barrier drones. She then fired another volley but this time, the barrier drones are too late to block it!

At the Alicorn

Crew: Captain we've been hit!

Zeke: Did it hit the ballast tanks?

Crew: I'm afraid so sir.

Zeke: Dammit!

With the ballast tank damaged the Alicorn can no longer dive.

Zeke: We'll just have to resist until back up arrivies.

They heard an explosion from the outside and feels an intense shaking of the ship.

Crew: Captain! we lost one of our CIWS!

In the air

Rafales, Sea Raptors and Super Hornets were defending the Alicorn from air attacks

Sea Raptor Pilot: <<Dont let those sirens get close to the Alicorn!>>

Other pilots: <<Wilco!>>

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