Chapter 11 Midway Raid

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As the Alicorn lurks in the depths of the Pacific ocean, Zeke is still thinking of what he's gonna do next while phasing left and right infront of the screen that displayed the World map.

Selena: What's our next move Captain?

He stops phasing and look at Selena.

Zeke: We havent resupplyed this ship with logistics right?

Selena: Yes Captain.

Zeke: Hmmm....

He rubs his chin with his hand and looks at the world map and pick a place. His eyes then looks at the islands in the middle of the pacific ocean....Midway islands. Zeke knew that these islands have enough supplies to achive his goal.

And what his goal you may ask? Destroying the Orochi and delivering one and VERY fatal blow to the Sakura Empire. 

Zeke: Selena, tell them to set course to Midway islands.

Selena: Aye captain. 

She left leaving him alone in the room.

At the Combined Sakura and Sargdegna Empire fleet

A massive armada consist of Sakura, Sardegna and Siren ships left the port of their base they're are now sailing towards Azur lane and put an end to this conflict. They were outraged after the Ironblood navy collapsed and eager to sink the Alicorn and defeat the Azur lane.

However, none of them knew that the Alicorn has gone rogue...

Maestrale: They're gonna pay for what they did to the Ironblood!

Noshiro: And put an end to the beast that has been hindering us.

Yuki is on Fuso overlooking both of the faction's fleet from the bridge. He turn his gaze at Akagi and Kaga who is standing on the Orochi while looking at the horizon. The shipgirls were confident that the Orochi was the answer to Azur lane's Alicorn.

Leo then came up behind Yuki.

Leo: Yuki.

He turns around to greet him.

Yuki: Hey.

Leo: What were you doing.

Yuki: Just thinking somethings.

Leo then puts his hand on his shoulder.

Leo: Dont worry we will avenge the Ironblood and put an end to this conflict. 

Bak at Alicorn

It was already sunset, the Alicorn surface itself as the crew prepares for a raid on the island.

Operation Bandit

Objective: Destroy any resistance in the islands while the ground units gather logistics for  the submarine.

Primary Targets: Ammunition depot, Medical supplies and etc.

Secondary Targets: Aircrafts, Patrol ships, and AA/Coastal Defenses.

Zeke and his squadron puts on their pilot outfit and made their way to the hangar. He noticed that his personal jet had a new paintjob.

 He noticed that his personal jet had a new paintjob

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