Chapter 12 Alicorn Vs The Crimson Axis

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3220km from Northwest of Azur lane

As the Orochi and the Crimson axis combined fleet are halfway to their destination. The ships that are present in the combined fleet are: Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Kii, Fuso, Yamashiro, Hakuryuu, Ryuuhou, the Crane sisters, Takao sisters, Agano, Jintsuu, Yukikaze, Shigure, Yuudaachi, Ayanami and the whole Sardegna Empire ships

Akagi and Kaga is talking on what are they gonna do after they defeat the Alicorn and Azur lane.

Kaga: Nee-sama what should we do after this?

Akagi: With the Alicorn and those pests are wiped off from this planet, nothing can stop us from bringing Amagi back.

Kaga: I see...

Beneath the waves 16km away south of them, the Alicorn is watching them through a SLUAV. The submarine then surfaces itself and launches 5 SuperHornets, 5 Rafales and 6 Sea Raptors then submerge again.

Their mission is to reduce the mass produced siren ships and weaken Orochi's defenses.

10 minutes later

4300 feet above the water the jets from the Alicorn begins to scramble and pick their targets. Crimson axis saw this and alerted the rest to fend off the Jets. 

SuperHornet: <<Bombs away.>>

A Superhornet drop its Unguided bombs on the 2 siren destroyers severely damaging them. Both the Sakura and Sardegna ships light up their AAs while their carriers and siren carriers including the Orochi deploys fighters to intercept them.

Sea Raptor pilot: <<Be advised, enemy aircrafts just took off from enemy carriers. Take them out.>>

Other Pilots: << Wilco!>>

They begin to enegage the enemy fighter while some continues on their bombing run. As the dogfight rages on both Crimson axis and siren aircrafts are getting trashed by the skilled fighter pilots of the Alicorn.

Hakuryuu: Grrr!!! We cant shoot them down!

Ryuuhou: Dont fret! We cant still do this!

The continue launching their aircrafts until their fighters runs out in their hangars.

Yuudachi: They're just too fast for our AAs! Heck, not even the sirens could keep up with them!

Then 6 Sea Raptors are flying towards Orochi. When the shipgirls below notice this, they immediately switch their fire towards the 6 aircrafts. Kaga and Akagi then sent out their zeros only to be shredded by the Rafale's missiles. Before Orochi could activate its own barrier, all 6 Sea Raptors fired their air-to-ground ordinance on the Orochi's sheild generator. When the explosion occurs it shook the entire ship that it made the kitsunes almost lose their balance. 

Kaga: No!

She sees the damages that was caused by the fighter jets. Without the Orochi's shield generator its vulnerable to any attacks.

Kaga: There must be an aircraft carrier nearby...

Akagi rubs her chin and spoke up.

Akagi: Or probably the Alicorn is nearby.

When she said that Kaga immediately radios everyone.

Kaga: All destroyers use your sonar to find the Alicorn, we believed its nearby! 

Without hestiation the destroyers now spread out to find the sub. However the gigantic sub decided to surface itself infront of the Crimson axis fleet. It then reveals its armaments to them.

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