Chapter 10 Gone Rogue

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In the cell, Zeke is reading a newspaper with the headline saying "The Ironblood Navy has collapsed".

Zeke: That's one of them down...

As he further reads the news he smirked and chuckled like he was enjoying it as the Ironblood shipgirls were no longer able to sail due to sever injuries and trauma. He then hears footsteps and looks up to see his right hand Selena.

Selena: Captain...

Zeke: Is everything ready?

Selena: Yes Captain.

Zeke: Good.

Before they arrived at Azur lane, Zeke knew that they were gonna apprehend him, so he planned what no other captain would do...Taking the state owned submarine for himself. He then asked all of the crew in the sub if they were alright with this plan and surprisingly they agreed because all of them have no homes or loved ones to return to due to the war against the Sirens and Crimson Axis.

Selena: Here, wear this while I get the keys in the security room.

She gave him an MP uniform and left to get the keys for his cell door. He begins to wear his the MP uniform disguise. After that, he puts on the balaclava and sunglasses. He then hears running footsteps that is heading towards his cell, its was Selena with keys on her hand.

Selena: I'm back, I knocked out the guard in the security room and got the keys.

Zeke: That's good now get me out of here.

Before she puts the keys in the keyhole, she fired her silencer pistol on the camera that is looking at Zeke's cell. When it opens he comes out of his cell and they both run towards the exit.

When they got out they begin to act normal as he walks towards the Alicorn on the docks. When they reach the docks they can see two MPs guarding the entrance to the submarine, they approach them calmly.

MP1: Commander Selena what are you doing here with another MP?

They both stayed silent for a moment until Selena brings out her silencer pistol while Zeke brings out his combat knife. They both took them out and throw their bodies in the water. They now entered the sub and Zeke took off his disguise and heads for the bridge. When he go their the crew are already already looking at him, awaiting orders.

Zeke: Now that's taken care of, lets prepare for our departure. But remember this, once we do this there is no turning back, you all agreed to sail with me until the end.

The crew: Aye aye Captain!

His crew mans their stations while Zeke and Selena proudly watch their crew doing their jobs.

At Azur lane headquarters

The Rear Admiral is now sitting on a couch along with Wales, Illustrious, Hood, Yorktown and Hornet thinking about what the Crimson Axis will do next after Zeke pulled that crazy stunt in Hamburg. The room is silent until it was interrupted by Sheffield pouring tea for them.

Sheffield: Here's your tea rear Admiral.

The stoic maid give the tea to him.

Henry: Thanks Sheffield.

He begins drinking it and so the others. Their was silence again until Illustrious speaks up with concering look on her face.

Illustrious: I have feeling that things will get worse from here on.

They all looked at Illustrious.

Hood: What are you saying Illustrious?

Illustrious: I'm saying that even Zeke is in custody, he will do something unpredictable. What's more concerning is the Crimson Axis' superweapon Orochi...

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