Alternate Ending (Not a canon to this book)

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Here it its guys, the Alternate Ending for this book. Sorry for the long wait btw.

After Zeke took the Alicorn for himself and attack midway (in Chapter 11), Rear Admiral Henry contacted the naval HQ on what has transpired.

Henry: And that's all sir.

The Admiral Connor himself rubs his forehead in frustration knowing they have two big problems in their hands. One is the Orochi that is fully operational and just left the port of the Sakura Empire and the other is Zeke and his crew have gone rogue then raided Midway for supplies including the 600mm nuclear shell for the Alicorn.

Henry: What should we do, Admiral?

Connor: We need to put a stop on Zeke at all cost before things gets worse.

He pause for a moment and continues.

Connor: Assemble a massive fleet with our Allies to begin a hunting operations.

Henry: How about you sir? What will you do?

Connor: I'll find other ways to stop him if this hunting operation goes south.

Henry: Aye sir.

The Admiral picks up a file containing the information about Zeke and read about his time as a pilot in the Navy and a Commander of Azur lane. As he continues on reading about his info and achievments, he soon stumbled upon Zeke's relationship with Enterprise and Belfast. This gave the Admiral the solution on tackling this problem.

Connor's thoughts: Maybe they could be the ones who can stop him...

He then contacts the White house.


 When they saw the Alicorn engages at the Crimson Axis and Orochi (Chapter 12) through the satellite feed the Naval High Command immediately orders Rear Admiral Henry to gather the fleet and put a stop on those behemoths. 

As for Admiral Connor he's in a secret shipyard that is hidden from the public somewhere in Eagle Union country. The Scientists have been working and researching all around the clock on bringing Enterprise and Belfast back. The White House and the Government of the Royal Kingdom approved Admiral Connor's request and gives him the blueprints of the ships and enough resources to revive them.

Connor: How's progress?

Scientist: It's almost done....

After they've finished progress the Wisdom cubes are ready.

Connor: Now, the moment of truth.

He nods at the head Scientist giving him the green light to start the machine. As the machine starts, the 2 wisdom cubes begins to glow brighter and brighter until the Admiral and the scientists cover their eyes due to the brightness. When the bright light dies down Connor and the Scientist open their eyes to see both shipgirls that have been revived.

Connor: We did it.

Enterprise then walks towards the Admiral.

Enterprise: Admiral...

Connor: Enterprise.

He turns to Belfast.

Connor: And Belfast its nice to see you girls again. 

Belfast: You too Admiral so what happened while we're gone? How's Zeke?

Connor: Well....

He then told everything that has happened, they were sadden about it. The Admiral shows them the film on what he did to the Ironblood (Chapter 9) and they were speechless. After the video finish Enterprise is the first to speak up.

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