Chapter 9 Destroying the Ironblood

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Few weeks after Zeke has woken up from coma, he's now back in action. But something has changed him, the naval high command the shipgirls seems to noticed of how he acts. He's no longer the same person that everyone knew.

River of Elbe

It was already sun down, the Alicorn is now lurking beneath the rivers of Elbe as they head towards Hamburg to take out the Ironblood's main naval base to knock them out of the war. The Alicorn is on caterpillar mode to prevent any patrol/civilian ships and buoys from detecting them.

Zeke is looking at the picture of Enterprise and Belfast until Selena interrupted him.

Selena: Why are we here in the rivers of Elbe again?

He look up and turns to his close friend Selena.

Zeke: We're here to crush the Ironblood's pride and crippling them.

Selena: You mean defeat them?

Zeke: Defeating them is an understatement. You see, the Ironblood is a prideful faction, they're always bragging to everyone about their might, their ships, achievements and technologies.

Selena: So?

Zeke: It is also their great weakness...

Selena: Why?

Zeke: If we destroy their main naval base, laboratory, sink their ships and kill/injure many of Ironblood shipgirls, not only that we'll knocked them out of the war, it will break their moral and it will take a looong time to recover or probably never.

Selena: I see.

She was in deep thought that knowing that most Iron Reich's ships and shipgirls are all gathered in Hamburg. 

Tonight, the Alicorn will destroy everything that the Ironblood hold dear. 

Time skip

Now the sub is on periscope depths and sees their targets. 

Zeke: There they are guys, those sweet juicy targets. *chuckles*

Selena: What are your orders captain?

Zeke: Ready every weapon we have on this boat, now.

Selena: Aye captain!

She turns to the crew.

Selena: Alright everyone! All hands! General Quarters!

Every crew on the submarine scrambles and runs towards their stations.

Zeke: It's time to make them feel what I felt...besides tonight is Lunar Eclipse that makes things more intresting.....

He sinisterly laughs.

And thus Operation Iron Buster begins.

At the Ironblood base

The celebration goes on and no one in the Ironblood is aware the Terror beneath Elbe river. Now, Bismarck is staring at the Lunar Eclipse in the sky as she thinks about dealing with the Alicorn.

 Now, Bismarck is staring at the Lunar Eclipse in the sky as she thinks about dealing with the Alicorn

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