The Boiling Isles

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A woman in a white witches outfit landed on her feet skidding back slightly as she clutched her white staff adorned with a blue gem, she looked up at her opponent a giant serpent, the serpent had horns on its head, its back was lined with fins, and has piercing yellow orbs for eyes. The serpent glared at the woman with his yellow orbs.

Serpent: Foolish child, I could swallow you whole.

Then the serpent opened its mouth revealing his sharp teeth and hissed at the woman.

The woman pointed to the snake as she held her staff in her other hand. 

Woman: Do not underestimate me gilder snake.

She gestured her hand towards her her chest and proclaimed.

Azura: For I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace.

She clenched her fist as she pumped it and turned her head closing her eyes. She held the pose for a second then opened her eyes, she quickly got on one knee as she held her staff on her shoulder like a rocket launcher  

Azura: Now eat this sucka!

She fired at the snake, her shots exploded on impact. 

Gilder Snake: NO! My only weakness. DYING!

The snake fell to the floor with a loud thud. The scene then cuts to a figurine of the Good Witch Azura and a snake being held by a girl with tanned skin, brown eyes, and brown short hair, her ears has black circle stud earrings, she wore a short-sleeved half-white and half-indigo hoodie with cat ears attached to the hood, high-waisted jean shorts, dark grey capris leggings, and a pair of white loafers.

Girl: And that's the end.

An older woman that had the same skin tone, eye color as the girl and her brown hair was tied in a high bun, she wore a cyan shirt and leggings with darker blue-rimmed sleeves, black glasses with a red top and blue earrings and a brown purse hanging from her shoulder. She held her hands up as she shrugged her shoulders.

Woman: The end of what?

Girl: My book report. I think I knocked it out of the park.

The snake bit the figurines head as the girl smiled. An older man with white hair and darker skin wearing a beige button up shirt and blue tie held his head. He sat at a table with a plaque that read "PRINCIPAL HAL" on it.

Principal Hal: Your book report is why you're in here.

He gestured towards the door, they all looked towards the small window on the door and saw kids running and screaming as they had snakes on their heads.

Girl: Oh, so that's where the back up snakes were.

Just then the door opened and a girl with pale skin, pointy pierced ears, red brownish eyes, and green hair that fades to red-violet she wore a black beanie that covered part of pierced ears, she wore a black choker and two more as bracelets on both her wrists, she had oval sunglasses hanging on her two tone red shirt that was under an open black hoodie with a pink upside down heart that resembled a gem on the middle, cuffed blue ripped jeans and black high cut boots. She held her hand around her mouth to amplify her voice.

Green Haired Girl: Don't worry, they aren't venomous.

Girl: Madelene!

The greennette now known as Madelene turned to the girl and raised an eyebrow with her hand on her hip and smirk on her lips.

Madelene: So anyone gonna tell me what happened.

The girl chuckled nervously.

Girl: They got loose, how exactly I'm not sure.

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