The Bet part 2

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Emira: Titan's balls Edric, I told you not to push me!

Edric: Wasn't my fault you have short legs!

Emira: Says the clumsy one!

They continue to argue, almost giving the unnoticed girl a chance to back off and run away from them. But her traitorous body felt like lead, heart pounding almost out of her chest. She can't decide what to feel; elated? Damn right she is. Nervous? Who wouldn't? Afraid? Of what, she doesn't know.

However, she's aware how much she wants to be known, to shout to the skies that hey, she's alive, and she's their flesh and blood. But she's a traitor to herself. She pounds the whining attention over the darkest pit of her mind.

There's time for it, not until she can confidently say she's a Blight. Not until she can find her... parents and pull the confession from them. Temper, temper... Madelene hoped it will be soon.

Nonetheless, she shrugs the thoughts out and huffs.

Madelene: U-Um... you two good?

She started, voice wavering but unnecessarily detached. Madelene felt her hands twitching to touch them, so she placed it on her pockets, reigning it in. It burns not to address them as her siblings. It's maddening. There they are, but it seems like they are so far away.

Emira: Dang, watch where you're crouching, you.

Madelene: I-I-

Madelene stopped, thinking the words over. She frowned after, realizing how... accusing it is. But no matter, it's a way out of her misery. She let aloofness fade, a familiar grin on her face showing.

Madelene: ... . Shouldn't that be 'watch where you're going '?

Emira: Is that all you have to... say...

Hearing the teasing on her voice, Emira stands up rubbing her head and that golden eyes locked into burgundy. There, Madelene knows she's screwed.

Emira blinked too many times, almost shivering-


Emira: What the- EDRIC!

-until Edric throws mud on Emira's dumbfounded face.

Edric: Aha! Point for me!

He stands up, dodging Emira's wild arms as he puts Madelene between them, face as dumbfounded as Emira's.

Emira: You ass!

Edric: All is fair on love and war sister!

Having enough of their cat and mice interaction, Madelen's face crunches into an unamused expression. She gets why Amity's too tired of them now.

 She gets why Amity's too tired of them now

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Madelene: What are you, five?

She murmurs as a ball of mud flies past her hitting Edric in the midsection making him call "time-out" as he turns around to nurse his stomach.

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