The Bet part 1

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I open my eyes and before me is a forest. More specifically... close to the Owl House.

Madelene: A dream again... wonder what this one's about? Why do I feel different?

I try to move but for some reason my body won't react to what I thought of.

Madelene: Okay? Body, what on earth is wrong with you? Why can't I mov- Oh right... dream...

I let my body do its bidding, letting the dream trudge its course into events I barely could even think of doing. I mean, really? When did I ever let myself pluck grass with my mouth!? And... Santa Maria... why do I ... urinate like an animal?! What the fluff brain!? Don't you freaking dare let my body in the real world pee under my covers!

Luz: Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?

Jolting from my despair, I was surprised as Luz appeared in front of... well....

Madelene: That's.... me....

I saw my body, along with Luz and Eda approach the Owl House.

Eda: Nope, my house has a state of the art defense system.

Hooty: Hoot, hoot. Password please.

This is when we first arrived here... The scene suddenly whizzes by as it's replaced by me outside the house with a sack beside me.

Madelene: 'This was when Eda had us sell her potions and elixirs. So this is that astral projection thingy? Weird, I thought you could move around.'

Eda: Remember, never befriend a man in sandals. And always measure once cut twice.

Luz: Uhhhh..

Eda: Good Luck!

Eda closed the door and we could still hear her talking about how even with me there Luz would probably still get eaten or worse, prompting her to argue by smooshing herself against the window.

Luz: No I won't!

Madelene: Luz, down!

Eda closed the curtain and we hear King making angry noises before he came out as well, along with Eda carefreely stating.

Eda: Be back by sundown or face mortal peril!

The scene changed again this time when we were running back home from Hexside after the whole Luz almost being dissected. The view moves from Luz and the others to my shaken form at the foot of a tree when I learned that I am a witch as I traced out a gradient spell circle.

Now I'm met with the morning I was practicing my magic when Hooty asked me that one question.

Hooty: Maddy, can I ask you something?

Madelene: Sure bud. HA!

I launched a red ball of light directly at one of the trees leaving a charred hole in its trunk.

Hooty: Why do you practice your magic so much?

Madelene: To get better at it, obviously.

Hooty: Hoot! I know that, but why exactly?

Madelene: Oh. Well. How should I put it. I want to keep my friends and family safe, but I didn't really have much to contribute, and now that I have magic, I want to be the strongest witch, strong enough to keep those close to me safe from harm.

The scene changed again, and again, and again. I'm shown all the times we left and returned to the Owl House on our different adventures, even the day I had my panic attack, all seen from the sideline, from the perspective of someone keeping an eye on me, stalking me. The scene kept changing until I am face to face with a being enveloped in darkness, as if I was leaning into the boiling pond, the only thing visible are their three eyes, then everything went black.

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