Potion Delivery

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Madelene's POV

I was sound asleep and I felt light hit my eyes making me slowly open them, I sat up with a yawn, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, Luz was still asleep but King was nowhere to be seen, he must be a morning demon. I quietly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and change clothes, I finished drying my face and Hooty decided to greet me a good morning by suddenly coming from behind me.

Hooty: Good Morning Madelene!

I yelped from the scare and jumped back like a startled cat, well any sleep that I had is gone now. I took a couple of breaths and calmed down as I straightened myself up.

Madelene: *sigh* Good Morning Hooty, but maybe next time don't sneak up on people like that.

I don't know if he heard the last part as he just smiled as I greeted him and slithered back out the window and back to his place in the front door. I changed into a black crop top, white arm sleeves, blue ripped jeans and grey boots, I also kept my choker as it was kinda my go to accessory, I exited the bathroom and went to the kitchen downstairs where I saw King in a high chair at the dining table with a pile of mush with eyeballs in it on a plate.

Madelene: Morning King.

King looked up from his "food" and saw me.

King: Oh, morning Madelene. You're up early.

Madelene: Could say the same to you, whatcha got there by the way?

I pointed at the slop and King told me it was mashed vegetable and eyeballs, he offered me some but I politely declined.

Madelene: No thanks, I think I'll eat something with...

The eyes turned to me making me shiver.

Madelene: Less eyeballs.

King: Suit yourself.

He went back to trying to eat it as I opened the fridge, I saw some eggs with spots on it and some sliced meat that was a lot redder than what I'm used to back on earth. I took them out and asked King what they were.

King: Those are Griffin eggs and demon boar bacon.

Madelene: Demon boar?

King: Yup, it's one of the few demons that are raised for food as they're less dangerous and can't kill you if you eat them.

Madelene: Oh, good to know.

I decided to cook these for everyone, I turned on the stove and started cooking, as I was cooking I decided to strike up another conversation with King.

Madelene: You know a lot about demons here, right King?

He turned to me still not able to eat the mashed vegetables and eyeballs.

King: Yup. When it comes to the creatures of the twilight, I know more than most.

Madelene: Maybe you can teach me and Luz about them.

King got excited by the idea of having students.

King: Really!?

Madelene: Yeah, I mean it is good to know what to do when you come across something that can kill you. Plus what better teacher than an actual demon, and the King of demons at that.

King didn't hesitate to accept and he started listing things he'll teach us, I giggled at his enthusiasm as I finished setting a plate for everyone. The scent of the griffin eggs and demon boar bacon got his attention, he looked between the two foods before smacking the mush with eyes away then happily gobbled up the one I gave him, the sight making me laugh with a snort then I started to eat mine as well. I then suddenly heard Luz scream from upstairs followed by a disgruntled hoot from Hooty and an apology from Luz.

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